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Vacation Booked!!

justmakingthebest's picture

I really wanted a vacation with just DH and I but this is the next best thing! We are going on an 8 day cruise and booked the kids all in a seperate room! LOL 

I love cruising, it is my favorite way to vacation. The kids are all old enough that I don't have to worry about them the days we are at sea. We will book awesome adventure shore excursions. It will be fantastic! I can't wait! 

The perk of this is also that we can bring it up in court that we have already booked this and have pictures from last years trip to show how much fun SS had and he always talks about going again. This time we went with the itenerary that my daughter really wanted but we couldn't make work with dates last time, and it has 2 of my all time favorite ports. 

This will be the big Christmas gift for all the kids. They will get a couple of small "token" things under the tree but this is the big one. Ever since my youngest quit believing in Santa I have wanted Christmas to be about experiences not gifts. I am just so excited I can't stand it!! 

I needed something positive to keep my mind from going crazy with this hearing. 14 days to go. 


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

But I'm planning a trip to Paris and then after that I'm going to take a cruise!!!!!!!!  I totally should.  I am in Florida for goodness sake.  It's a short drive for me to Port Canaveral. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Congrats!! That's so exciting! Especially the separate rooms part!

I'm the same, I would rather give experiences than toys or crap they will lose interest in after a week. Last night SD9 was saying that my SO suggested she put a Nintendo Switch on her Christmas list. I looked it up and they are $300. Really SO??? He likes to get them each a big grand present to "wow" them....last year it was a TV for SD's room, even though she didn't really want one. I must say, this has been nice since she spends a lot of time up there watching it and I get a lot more free time by myself now. But this year he doesn't have any ideas for SD, hence the Nintendo. Sigh. I would much rather take them somewhere. If we're spending $600/kid, that's a nice trip we could go on with them!

CLove's picture

I totally believe in giving experiences over "stuff", because this brings families together! And gives you stuff to talk about together.

Rather than giving them a reason to not be together.

Have fun!!!!!