Father's Day Weekend
Basically every year for the past several years my only wish for Father's Day is that my two SDs aren't around, wishing they would treat me properly went out the window alonggggggg time ago. Also SD 26's birthday is the same weekend so it all becomes about her anyway. My own father lives several states away so I only get to speak with him on the phone, so luckily I have a great FIL and I enjoy spending the day with him.
I have already been insured that SD 26 won't be there as she was arrested this morning for giving false information, possession of marijuanna and possesion of crack coccaine. DW wife called me at lunch in tears over this and sad to say I was unable to be as sympethetic as she was looking for me to be. So now DW will be miserable all weekend, and I do understand why, but down the tubes goes another Father's Day. I was hoping it would be better this year now thaqt we are raising the little ones but alas no.
I am proud of myself that didn't outright laugh on the phone when DW called but as I said I wasn't as sympethetic as she hoped.
Now if I can get SD 20 out of the house for the weekend at least there is that, out of my house for good would be better but have to take what I can get.
She is capable , but there is
She is capable , but there is always work for me to take care of at home and I usuually can't finish it on Saturday.