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Step Daughter - why has she decided to to move out and ditch her mum ?

gazzabicks's picture

My wife's eldest daughter (14) has gone to live with her BD. It happened after a major row that started because she spat in her sisters face at the dinner table.

Unfortunately when BD was told about what she did he said it has nothing to do with him and he basically put his arm round her, swept the issue under the carpet and said she could stay at his house for a few days. She hasn't come back.

The big thing I don't get is how she has now instantly cut her BM out of her life.

A bit of backround.....

The BD left them for another woman when my wife was preganant with their 3rd child (the eldest was 5 at the time - all girls btw). Her BM is the most kindest wonderful mum anyone could ask for and this girl has been brought up in a very happy home, never gone without anything, always had lots of nice things, holidays etc etc. Whenever we went out she stuck to her mum like glue, never leaving her side.


She never called her mum on her mums birthday, never bought her a card or present, never calls or returns my wife's calls and in fact the only time she has come round is when she picked up her Xmas presents and a present her mum gave her when coming back from holiday.

She went to her school with her SM to talk about her school options and never even told her mum about it.

she basically has at the drop of a hat ditched her mum and I can tell that my wife is devastated really because she has brought the girls up on her own from a very young age (i came on the scene about 6 years ago) and then this has happened. Its as if my wife has done something wrong, not her.

I just wondered what people thought, why is she being like this to her BM ?

gazzabicks's picture

Anyhow, she will no doubt have the better deal at daddys coz she doesn't have to compete with her 2 sisters there, gets more attention, get spoilt more etc etc etc

I just don't get why she would treat her mum like this.

MissPenny's picture

No one really knows what is going on in your stepdaughters head but knowing that she is 14 could be the simple answer. Aren't most 14 year olds self absorbed, entitlement monsters looking for the path of least resistance to get what they want? I don't want to be too hard on the girl, I obviously don't know her. It just seems she in a self indulgent stage and the first time her BD makes her do something she doesn't want to do she will probably be crying on BM's shoulder. Hopefully she grows out of this.