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SS turns 18 and BM is back with the crazy

MoominMama's picture

You would think that SS turning 18 would finally give us some peace.. but it seems not. This needs some background, sorry for it being long.

The story so far: DH has two kids with BM. SD now almost 23 and SS just turned 18. Originally both kids lived with him, BM was never interested in them and they went eow visitation (unless she was 'busy' or had a party to go to or didnt feel like it etc). Later on SD then 16 became Pas'd by BM against us, she hated me and so went to live with BM. BM ofc only allowed this because she was 16 and she could leave her on her own etc. So, BM had one kid there and we had one kid here. Previously, BM had paid DH a paltry amount of cs for the skids. Now with the new arrangement they agreed that neither of them should physically pay anything to each other as the two amounts cancelled each other out.
Eventually SS stopped wanting to go to visit BM eow back when he was 14, we continued to take him over there but he kept running away from her. BM was all kind of stupid and couldn't handle him at all got really angry and went to the court to have a legal document made up that her own son should not come to visit her anymore ( :? ). So he didn't. There's a lot of background story to all this. BM is a complete narc, manipulative, arrogant and demanding. According to her she had 'only rights and no responsibilities' her words. During this time over ten years BM only went to 2 of the total of 40 parents evenings at SS's school. She hardly contacted him and stopped sending birhday or xmas cards or presents.

Last year in July we moved to This town (2 hours drive from BM Town where we lived previously). Shortly after we arrived I was quite ill because of the move and my medical conditions plus my parents in the UK had their golden wedding anniversary party the day after we arrived. All still in boxes etc. So.. we didn't think for a second about BM. She had not previously been in contact with SS for months anyway. Then 3 days later DH gets an email with her being very aggressive about the fact that we moved and demanding to have the new address and telephone number. OK, we would have given it anyway as we legally had to despite her lack of being anywhere near a parent. Since then it was radio silence again for months until we hear about 6 weeks ago that SD was working. We had suspected this for a long time but of course BM kept it quiet even though it is her legal duty to inform DH because it affects CS. She is no long entitled to cs for SD and so now would have to to go back to paying the small amount to DH for SS.

DH and I discussed this and we were, I thought, a bit of the mind that it wasn't worth the hassle from her to persue it. But suddenly DH told me he had sent her an email asking if SD were working...nothing else, just that. What we got in return was biblical. Must say, BM has never liked to spend a dime on those kids. Never bought hardly any clothes, never a coat or shoes, never paid towards any extra curriculars, even baulked at paying 5 dollars (euro equivalent) for SS's scouts activity that fell on one of her weekends.

BM called DH because of him asking this question. Now, DH long ago stopped answering her calls because of her lying, shouting and being generally abusive and had gone to email or text only. For some reason he didn't look at who was calling and absentmindedly picked up the call. She was going crazy about the fact that he had asked if SD was working now, asking 'why do you want to know that???' shouting etc. He just said 'well, then she comes off the cs and you need to set up your payment for SS now that's all'. BM started to shout about how DH had turned SS against her and was stopping him seeing her! Which was rich as she had not contacted him for months. Then her new husband came on the phone shouting, swearing and even threatening DH then back to BM continuing the abuse and then finally SD took over the phone and started screaming down the phone at her father saying 'you are taking all my mother's money!!' He finally ended the call at that point.

I am very annoyed that he even answered that call and even more that he let it go from one of them to the other. He claims he wanted to hear their crap and to try to put some sensibleness into it. Yeah, that went well. Since then BM demanded his account number. But there was no payment. In the meantime DH consulted a lawyer for a once off to be sure that he had it right about SS turning 18 etc. He was assured by this lawyer that once SS is 18 ALL responsibilites on DH to have to be in contact with BM ends. No contact necessary WHATSOEVER. SS is an adult and can decide to see her or not see her etc. SS had already told her on the phone that he did not want contact with her. She seems to be unable to accept that. I could understand it if she had been anywhere near a normal caring mother but she has done nothing but avoid having him and actually been quite neglectful. He has no feelings for her.

Since the phone call we heard nothing for about 6 weeks then suddenly, end of last week BM sends an email to DH saying that she has put 59$ into his account as cs. The amount should be indexed and should now actually be 69$. Then she added that she wanted to know which school he was at, how he is doing etc. This is funny because since we moved it's the first time she has actually asked which school he is attending BUT she had claimed in the ranting phone call that DH did not tell her which school. If she had straight up asked he would have told her as he would have been legally required to do so previous to SS turning 18.

This was 3 days before SS's 18th. He didnt answer the email right away. We were heading out for a birthday meal with SS and DH then received a text from BM saying 'tell SS happy birthday for me' She had sent no card etc, she has the land line that she could have attempted to speak to SS on. Doubt she would be successful as SS won't speak to her but she chooses to put DH in the middle by this text asking that he pass on birthday greetings. What kind of mother does that?? When we got back DH replied to her email sayingthat the amount was on his account, it was incorrect and should be indexed. He said that SS was doing very well in school and was top of his class (this is actually true this year). DH wrote that as SS was now 18 he wouldn't be acting as a go between for her with SS.

That same evening (birthday night)she replied to his email saying that she demanded to know 1) which school he was at 2) proof of how he is doing and 3) what sports he is doing. His cell phone number and his private email. Then she added that DH would be receiving a letter from her lawyer. :? about what for christsakes? The boy is 18... surely the lawyer .... I give up wondering as this BM is an amazing liar and seems to live in her own world where what she wants has to happen and only she has rights. SS actually called her at 9.30 pm to tell her yet again that he was now 18 and didn't want any further contact with her. It went to voicemail and he left that message on there.

What sports he is doing?? this may seem a totally normal question for you guys in the US as I know sports are very important part of school there. But... it's not here. SS has to do some physical education they call it, every week. He has always hated it and has never shown the remotest interest in any form of sports 'games'. He uses his cycle a lot, does some walking with the Scouts etc but he is not a sports guy, she should know that so it's a strange question.

The 'letter from her lawyer' thats confusing too. I have my suspicions that they are brewing up something again. It's like DH has to be punished and pay in some way if she is asked to fulfill any kind of obligation towards her kids. She is unbelievable. SS is high functioning Autistic, very high functioning as he has spent the last year and a half in a normal school and not special needs ed. He follows a specific skilled tradesman course and has done very well, improving his confidence and abilities to interact. I wonder though if she is using the Autistic card to try and claim that him turning 18 makes no difference because of this, that he does not know what he wants and cant make decisions etc. She has always had that attitude and kept him from maturing and having social contact. She even once said that 'he can't do anything:He's autistic'. Somehow I don't think it is this, as far as I know autistic or not 18 means adult and making your own decisions. For this reason I am afraid. BM is a vindictive and very nasty character. I would not be surprised if she has encouraged SD to make a complaint against DH for 'emotional abuse' like they have informally claimed years ago . Another long story. DH has never emotional, physically or in any other way abused her. He is a very mild mannered and decent man but aparently being asked to take a shower and not to throw your used sanitary items in the back of the wardrobe is emotional abuse.
BM had her flying monkeys send threatening emails and fb messages to us (we still have them) and they went around saying that SD should have made a complaint about him. To be honest DH should have made a complaint about them slandering him but that all goes into court cases and lawyers fees trying to clear your name and we don't have money for that and they know it. So they can go around abusing and threatening us. It has been a nightmare. This was years ago when SD was 16, she never made an actual formal complaint, she has never had therapy that we know of or had psychiatric treatment for it as far as we are aware (BM would have been sure to let EVERYONE know if that were the case). I see no way that they could convice a court that anything like that happened to her. I can't believe how messed up and evil SD, BM and now the new husband are. All because they didn't get to do exactly as they pleasd. How to find out quickly if someone is a narc? just say no to them and see the result

We shall have to wait for this Lawyer's letter. Always stress.


Acratopotes's picture

why are you stressing woman, you know by now BM is all bark and no bite... simply ignore the whore...

SS is doing much better and functioning, he told his mother he's 18 and wants nothing to do with her, his decision, now you all should simply block her from contacting any of you... her lawyer can send all correspondent to DH's lawyer, you are legally done with this woman and he flying monkeys...

Now for SD, DH can simply tell her, if you can't talk to me normal you will be blocked as well...

MoominMama's picture

I wish I could Acra, It just gets to me the way there's always some threat over our heads. I hope you are right and that it's all sabre rattling crap from her as usual. You never know what she's going to come up with next.

Acratopotes's picture

think about it..... what court will force an adult to speak to his/her parents? Yes she can run to court with a bag of lies and what will happen if SS tells the judge... I want nothing to do with my Mother cause every time she phones she swears at me, she never kept contact in 2 years..
This has nothing to do with my Father I have no interest in talking to my Mother cause she has done nothing for me in the past 5 years..,

What will judge do - say sorry kiddo but you have to speak to her and we will take her word that your father is an abuser?

I think not... simply ignore the whore there's nothing she can do, yes she can walk around and paint your name black, but is it really worth stressing over? People will see SS and they see SD... and the light goes on.. wow this boy has a disability but yet he's a functioning human being, this girl, nothing wrong with her, same parents what happened.. oh boy grew up with father mmmmm, might take years but still who cares

Ninji's picture

If she wants to claim that SS is unable to function because he is autistic, wouldn't that mean she has to continue to provide CS beyond the age of 18. Possibly for his entire life. Because if he
"can't do anything" his parents will have to support him. }:)

lieutenant_dad's picture

This. Plus, I can't foresee a judge, even a pro-BM one, forcing an "incapable" adult to live with the other parent if they are currently doing well with where they are.

Also, I assume most judges will look at her and tell her that if she was so concerned, she should have filed paperwork BEFORE SS turned 18, especially since she has known this entire time that SS has "special needs".

Lastly, my guess is that this is her last (hopeful) attempt at PAS. She's hoping that she can show to SS and the world that she is MOTY by "fighting" Dad for the "wellbeing" of her "disabled" son and access to his "upbringing" that she has been "denied". I know that's a lot of quotes, but it's the easiest way to portray just how much my eyes are rolling at BM's tactics.

Chin up, OP. BM can't do anything now. She has lost her chance unless she wants to have her son deemed incapable of caring for himself, which is going to be a really tall order when t sounds like SS is doing better than many "normal" kids.

MoominMama's picture

To be honest it's very hard to predict what this woman is up to. It can be almost unfathomable.The time she went for the legal document to say he shouldn't go to her anymore we really hadn't imagined it was that. I mean who would shoot themselves in the foot like that? She keeps it secret and won't say what she is up to. On that occasion she didn't even turn up at the court house on the day. She claimed to know nothing about it :? her lawyers too but then suddenly they found the 'bundle' and DH said he wouldnt be taking time off to go to the court house again so it was sent to his Lawyer for him to sign. He didn't have to sign it but actually it was a good thing - and has helped our case a lot DH doesn't ask what she means by the stuff she says. He hardly interacts with her and only where absolutely necessary. He did not make any remark about her 'you will be receiving a letter from my Lawyer' statement.

Maybe i'm wrong about it, might not be over SS being autistic, might be over the 'psychological abuse' crap that SD claimed a few years ago, might be something completely unthought of and that's what does my head in and BM knows that, it is entirely her intention. Game playing, power play.

Ninji's picture

It's probably he last desperate attempt to stay somewhat relevant to your DH. My skids are only 11 and 13 but DH told BM years ago that the day SS turns 18, he will never be speaking to her again. She got really upset and said they will be speaking because they will still be friends. :? :? He just laughed at her and said they aren't friends now why would they be friends all of a sudden when SS turns 18. These women are crazy. They cheat and lie and ruin their relationships with their husbands and then want to remain apart of their lives when they move on.

secret's picture

It makes me wonder why they "need to speak" to each other at all even before the kids turn 18... other than time changes to the schedule, there really isn't much to discuss if they're parallel parenting.... if the child is old enough to recount their own day, the other parent doesn't need to do it for them... same with school work... if there's an issue... whoever the child is with, that gets the paperwork, gets to deal with it... both parents are equally capable of speaking with the school, not sure why they must speak to each other.

MoominMama's picture

Our situation is not like that Secret. There is no parallel parenting and he has not been going to her for about 4 years. She got a legal document saying he should not go to her anymore back when he was about 14. DH does not normally discuss things with her, he made the mistake of picking up that one call. For the rest she was given access to the telephone number (landline) and DH's email for purposed of emergency and because it is the legal requirement in this country until SS is 18.

I agree with what you are saying though. In an ideal world where things are working ok then a child should be able to speak to either parent and tell them what's going on. As for when he was still going to her eow she caused trouble over the school information, expecting DH to run it over to her in the car etc midweek and complaining etc. In the end he asked the school to send her a copy and told BM that he didn't want to be in the middle, she could contact the school and they have been asked to deal with her direct. She then did not bother at all and didnt go to his parents evenings. It's all about control of DH and getting her way.

MoominMama's picture

Exactly it Ninji. They are so entitled. Can do what they want and everyone has to bow down to them. She has continually acted like she should still have some say in his life and especially wanting to tell us how he should spent his money and on what. Her flying monkeys attacked DH about him not being friendly with her and meeting up and playing nice, doing all that she said. I am just sick to death of her crap and so want to be free of it. I thought SS being 18 would be the end of it. We were told by the Lawyer it was but nope...

Oh, and a card did turn up today (the day after his birthday)from her to him, it was posted at 5.30 pm on his birthday. Big effort there then... she does not work weekends so had time. So she texted DH and told him to say happy birthday to her son, did not call the landline for it and at the same time put the pathetic card it the post. The card was totally inappropriate for him with beers etc on it, he hates alcohol and is completely tea total lol. I believe the card was just a 'I will post one so that they can't say I didn't' job. She does that a lot.

steppingback's picture

It could just be that now that she is paying for him she feels she is entitled to a response from him. That $60! Bank breaker.

MoominMama's picture

I think it might well be that, she is ignorant enough to think it works that way BUT .. surely her lawyer would have told her it doesn't work that way? or am I wrong in that?

MoominMama's picture

He is not out of high school yet. He is one year behind due to being in special school in the beginning where they held him back plus he is doing an extra year to get a higher level diploma. The SD only left schooling recently we suspect but it could be earlier. They can get cs up to 25 years of age here if they are still in education.