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Ideal Protein, Low Carb, my health, and melting away.

Rags's picture

My melting away effort continues.

Some History:

I peaked at 308Lbs in early March. I am 6'1" with a moderate build.... historically..... but have crept up in weight over the past 13ish years to my now two month old peak. I wish I would have kicked myself in the butt sooner.

I have noticed over the past couple of years that I am a lard butted out of shape middle aged very fluffy version of my former self. It got so bad that getting off of an airplane was a quest that left me winded and my back killing me. Getting from the plane to my bags then outside for pickup was a several stage journey. Grabbing my carry on bags and navigating off of the plane left me sucking wind and I had to catch my breath at the door to the aircraft. Then up the jetway to a 5min collapse at the gate waiting area. Then it was 100yd increments of wind sucking, back killing journey to the baggage area. Then more wind sucking back killing bag hefting to the curb for pick up where I was now a sweat soaked gasping large pile of misery.

After a miserable trip from the Middle East back to the states at the beginning of March I started a less than dedicated low carb effort and dropped ~10Lbs by EOM. Due to some scary medical crap that began in December 2016 and dragged out from Jan-March of 2017 I finally engaged a full meal deal, no bullshit, no bedside manner, give it to me, all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly series of deep dive medical assessments with my health team (GP, Endocrinologist, Cardiologist) on 27-March. The first appointment was with my GP who complied with my "give it to me straight" directive and spent several hours kicking me in the butt (figuratively but only just. She was brutal... thankfully). After my session with her (DW was with me) she marched me down the hall from her office and planted me in the Ideal Protein office with the directive of get on this program, comply with this program, or you are going to die. So DW went all in with me on IP and it has worked wonders. Since starting the program on 31-March I have lost 30lbs as of Friday 5-May so I am down 40 from my peak. DW has lost 20 since 31-March.

We both feel amazing. I still have ~80Lbs to go to my goal and DW has ~30 to go. On a side note and referencing a positive result... our sex life has always been pretty notable but ... HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!!!! It has taken a notable turn for the better with every indication that a bad heart won't kill me. It will be an exploding heart due to crazy out of control passion that does me in. Not a bad way to go I think. Cray 2 ^-^ Wink Dirol

As part of my full meal deal medical lala-paluzza I also had a Heart Saver CT, and an echo done on my Carotid arteries. The results were not great. What inspired my medic-paluzza was that in Dec I had to have a root canal and crown (the second in 3mos... but that is not really relevant) and because they could not get a good picture of the root abscess my dentist put me in their stand up 3D Xray machine. They automatically send those to a Radiologist for review. The 3D got a good pic of the abscess and they were able get the root canal and crown done in three days flat. They did a great job. If you need a great dentist in the Austin Tx area let me know.

So as I am sitting in my rather stark bachelor's apartment in the Middle East in mid Jan I get a call from my dentist. The Radiologist Dx'd moderate calcification in my Left carotid artery. This is an indicator of potential issues in cardio/pulmonary arena apparently. Needless to say... big wake up call.

So meanwhile back at the ranch and 3.5mos later..... The follow up Carotid echo and Heart Saver CT confirmed a moderate level of calcification in my Left Carotid and in my heart. Calcium build up is apparently an analog for cholesterol build up so as a result of the carotid echo and CT results the GP referred me to an incredible young Cardiologist who my wife got all twitterpated over. Yep, he is a nice looking very fit young guy I have to admit.

I had the nuclear stress test a couple of weeks ago and a week later got the results. "Your heart is in perfect shape, your weight loss is what you need to be doing and when you hit goal and are on a sustained exercise plan the calcification should resolve itself. Keep doing what you're doing and come back to see me in about 3yrs." I surprised myself on that treadmill during the nuclear cardio stress test. I just kept going, and going, and going. I expected to drop to the ground after about 5mins but went nearly 30 and the Doc basically pulled the plug before I was ready to stop. Admittedly I was sucking wind but other than the lack of oxygen ... I felt great.

I dodged a bullet on all of this I think. As a 37 year T-1 diabetic I am not doing too badly.

My clothes are literally falling off of my body and I need to go buy some notably smaller pants, skivvies, undershirts, and shirts. I even need smaller shoes since mine are flopping around on my un-swollen feet like clown shoes.

I give all credit to my soul mate. She has made managing our IP journey her career for the past month and her culinary creations with the IP foods are most notable.

Don't wait until you are in trouble folks. Take care of yourselves. I want to be bitching, moaning, and laughing with all of you for a long, long time to come.

Take care.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

That's wonderful news, Rags!! Of course, those diagnoses (and potentials) are scary, but it's great that you're on the path to health. Congratulations to you and your bride!!

ksmom14's picture

That's awesome news! Congrats!

There are many people at my job that have done ideal protein (including my aunt) with wonderful results.

Once this baby comes out in October (maybe September if I"m lucky) I may have to try it myself!

Doorsy's picture

Hey Rags!!! I looked into the program like you told me and discussed it with dh. We decided to do weight watchers and get fitbits. We are both down 20 pounds already!! Congrats and thanks for the support you offered me.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I'm one day 3 of zero carb!!!! I'm trying to break my sugar and carb addiction. I had a bacon burger for lunch with no bun and a piece of grilled chicken.

Rags's picture

I am glad to hear of the successes many of you are having. My struggle is not kicking my own butt for letting things go as long as I did. I have known this since the early 00s and had about great success until losing the plot in the 04-05 time frame.

Neither my wife nor I have found the IP thing to be difficult. No cravings of note, etc.... I think even a non IP low CHO effort is doable.

As I said in a recent comment my BIL1's formerly Bovine Bride is down 70Lbs in 6mos on a combo Weight Watchers/Low Carb thing that she self manages. We are very proud of her. It has made a world of difference in her interpersonal relationship skills and challenges. I will have to change how I refer to her in my comments. Now I think SILX is the way I will go on that topic going forward.

Thumper's picture

Congratulations Rags for your self motivation and stick with it OR else approach.

You are an inspiration to us in many ways and now THIS included Smile HOOT HOOT for Rags!!

Keep us posted please.

Hennypenny's picture

Best thing I've read in ages. Having to go through a scare like that is no fun, but great motivation lol! No better words than "calcified arteries" to get you moving again!

edwardmuphy1's picture

If the human being takes more energy in the form of food than he actually consumes, he becomes obese over time. Anyone who wants to lose weight must either eat less than it consumes or significantly increase its energy consumption, for example through sports or physical work. Overweight affects up to 50% of our population depending on age group. I always prefer to used herbs and plants in form of vegetables along with jogging or sports for fitness. Detailed information about herbs at mardana taqat Overweight is referred to when the weight is well above the normal weight. The weight is calculated using the so-called body mass index (BMI). A normal weight is referred to as the BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. The energy supply and the energy consumption of the body are measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ). A kilocalorie corresponds to 4.187 joules. The daily calorie requirement depends on body size and daily work. The energy content of the foodstuffs can be determined using caloric tables. There is an increased need for physical activity, growth, during pregnancy and lactation. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice piece of stuff with us.