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Therapy pushed back...

OddGardner's picture

*sigh* Was supposed to be Tuesday. Apparently when BM agreed to the date, she forgot that her FH is supposed to have dental surgery today, and won't be in much shape for talking on Tues. At the drop-off last night, she informed us. We're going to attempt to move it to Friday. She said he should be better by then. At least this time it was more than a day's notice, like it was last time she needed to move an appointment. Considering having my SD's get her a day-planner for her birthday. Maybe that'd help.

On a stressful but sort of off-topic note, we may have to put down my FH's cat today. Sad He's very sick, and if he lives long enough for us to take him to the vet this afternoon, I'll be a little surprised. Very sad, and I'm not sure how to break it to the SD's, who won't be back till next Sunday night. If we have to put him down, should we call and tell them? Or wait till they come home to break it to them? They've experienced a pet death before, but my DS hasn't. Ugh... sadness.
