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OddGardner's Blog

Birthday Party Drama. Feedback?

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Our sitch is such: I have one son, 7, and two sd's, 7 and 4. Their birthdays all fall in the summer, sd7's was the last day of school, son7's falls on Father's Day, and sd4's is on July 6th.

Myself, my FH, his ex-wife, and her FH are all in voluntary group therapy, to help deal with the communication issues that their divorce left them with.

The therapist suggested that we keep an online, mutually accessible calendar for the girls' events. School, sports, social, etc. So, we do.

Post-therapy lunch. Ugh.

OddGardner's picture

So the first joint therapy session went off better than I expected. Felt like everyone was heard and the therapist validated that our fear of BM trying to take the girls was a rational fear. BM admitted that she's a helicopter parent, and part of her problem with us is that we're not. Therapist told her "Welcome to divorce. You no longer get to make those kind of decisions while the girls are with their father."

I did a massive internal happy dance.

ROFR and your Divorce Decree.

OddGardner's picture

Question for those of you with ROFR in your decrees: how's it worded? BM is very assertive that their decree has it. I've gone over said decree with a fine tooth comb, and can't find anything that would indicate a right of first refusal. (We're in Texas, and as far as I know, Texas isn't an implied ROFR state.)


Therapy pushed back...

OddGardner's picture

*sigh* Was supposed to be Tuesday. Apparently when BM agreed to the date, she forgot that her FH is supposed to have dental surgery today, and won't be in much shape for talking on Tues. At the drop-off last night, she informed us. We're going to attempt to move it to Friday. She said he should be better by then. At least this time it was more than a day's notice, like it was last time she needed to move an appointment. Considering having my SD's get her a day-planner for her birthday. Maybe that'd help.

Therapy with BM... whee.

OddGardner's picture

Long time reader, first time blogger.

So, next week we go in for "group couples counseling" with BM and her fiance. I'm both dreading it, and looking forward to it. It's a mediated forum to get things out in the open, and it's really hard for her to keep up with convoluted lies when four other people are present.