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As a BM dealing with a crazy SM....

Conflicted's picture

As a BM (I am also a SM), I have learned something today on just where the jealous, psychotic, know no boundaries, wretched SM's are comming from.
As you all know, I have two kids, two different dads, two different SM's. ONE SM is an amazing, lovely, beautiful, smart, caring, person and mother. The other is a disgusting, over the boundary stepping, jealous, freak.

One has a fiance (my daughter's dad) whom I get along with, we raise our child together, we consult one another in the best intest of our child, BUT there are unspoken and unseen lines that have been drawn in the sand.... we all know our place in this situation and we all respect one another and our roles. My ex loves and cherishes his fiance' and she loves and cherishes him. There are no secrets between the two, no reason for secrets because both are emotionally stable and both are confident in themselves and in their relationship. With us, we all have an equally important role in my daughter's life, not one is more important than the other and we all understand that.
The other has a pu$$y whipped, emotioanlly beaten down, disgrace of a man/husband, he claims to wear the pants in their family but I guarantee she tells him which ones to put on! He lies to his wife, is uncomfortable if she and I having any contact whatsoever with one another (likey because he could be caught in more lies), and has gone out of his way to make sure that his wife hates me.... which; due to her jealously I don't think was too hard. He has to sneak behind her back in order to partake in a civil conversation with me, he has to fake arguments with me in order to keep her happy because she will fly off the handle if she catches wind that we have any kind of interaction other than a screaming, name calling, nasty encounter. She makes his life hell. He is miserable. My child is miserable when he is in their home as she is so obsessed with me that she can't stop talking trash about me every day to anyone who will listen.... even to my little boy. Before you ask.... she has been lectured and reprimanded in court by numerous court commissioners and judges, there is even a detailed court report on file over the emotional and psychological damage she is and has been for a long time causing to my child. When it comes down to it, there is simply nothing the court can do to make her stop, and they are not going to take him away from his father based on nearly impossible to prove emotional damage.

Anyway, I talked to the pu$$y ex for about an hour today. He told me how miserable he is. He told me that he believes his wife is truly unstable and he is literally afraid of her.... BUT they have a small child together and he is more worried about what his son would turn into if left with her.... he said he knows that she would do everything in her power to take his son from him, that she would spend her life making him misserable. He said he is not proud of his life and the way he lives, but he does whatever is necessary to avoid more of her bi*ching. Says he will lie to her if he has to... he just can't take anymore of it.

I have to say, that my heart went out to him.... but I also couldn't help but wonder; is he telling the truth? If it's REALLY that bad... why doesn't he leave? He is miserable, our child is miserable.... heck, even she is miserable! I get the stuff with his younger son (that he has with her).... but the court would not let her take his son away.... at a minimum he'd still get visitation. I can't help but wonder if he doesn't lie to the both of us? Is that why she hates me so much? Because maybe she's not as stupid as he thinks and she does see that we do get along when she's not involved? Is she the way she is because of him? Wouldn't you slowly go mad in KNOWING that when it came to BM your husband was constantly lying to you and you just can't figure out why? Would you then lash out at BM? I know she is convinced that her husband and I will one day get back together (which is truly laughable) :sick: What has he said to her that would fuel such a nasty fire in her? What did he say about me? And why has he never wanted she and I to have any contact? Other than the fact that I believe he would get caught in more lies.... From an outsiders perspective does it appear that HE is the real problem? That perhaps HE is pitting BM and SM against one another? Or am I just really over-thinking this?

Amazed's picture

UGH. my ex did that shit. Pitted exSm and me against each other. Whine to me about her then whine to her about me.

Sorry...that's my experience and the warning bells went off for me when I read what he's doing. She may be wretched and i believe she is(based on reading lots of your stuff) but I think if he REALLY wanted set things straight with her, he would do it. I feel like he's looking for some ego time from you since it's obvious his woman is cutting off his weewee at the hilt...

I wouldn't buy it. He's loyal to her no matter what he says and if he wasn't loyal to her, he'd leave.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~

nycSM's picture


stepmom008's picture

Probably the best thing that you could do would be to stay as far away from his personal issues as you can and do the best you can to help your son cope with this woman. She sounds rotten & I'm sorry she's in your and your son's life.

I agree that he's likely pitting the two of you against each other. If he was miserable and really wanted to leave, all he'd have to do is make sure his lawyer had a copy of the court records in which she's been admonished by the court and that would hopefully help him to keep his younger son with him.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Conflicted's picture

nysSM, very intersting, I thought about what you said and I agree.... why would I be so quick to believe ex when he does lie all the time and I know it? I haven't come up with an answer for that yet. I'm guessing because I can't stand his wife so I'm quick to believe any negativity that I hear with respect to her; WHICH is probably the same thing that she thinks with respect to me! I just know how she has treated me and my son and the disturbing lengths this woman has gone to in order to mess with us.... she has gone to some seriously extreme lenghts.... HOWEVER, you make another very good point when you said: "And it's entirely possible that that SM never was like this before she ended up with your ex but the circumstances pushed her beyond her limits (which again, could very well be your ex's doing)." This 'woman'/she-devil comes from a wonderful family and no one else is like her.... maybe she really wasn't like this before.... I don't think I'll ever know.

Stepmom008, your statement: "If he was miserable and really wanted to leave, all he'd have to do is make sure his lawyer had a copy of the court records in which she's been admonished by the court and that would hopefully help him to keep his younger son with him."
This is exactly what FDH says ALL THE TIME! You're so right...

stepmom008's picture

every once in awhile I hit the nail on the head. I've got lots of bruises on my thumbs though Wink

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Conflicted's picture

The funny thing Mugglemom.... is that they were together for YEARS before he would even marry her... I think in his heart, he knew that something was up with her.... He had told me that he was going to make her wait AT LEAST 5 years before marrying her.... throughout the years and years of 'courtship' she successfully hid her crazy side from him... She was still nasty toward me but it came off more like she was just defending her man... and she was NOT at that time nasty to my boy.... or if she was, he was just too young to tell us. Some of her actions were still questionable enough should have raised reg flags to my son's dad but honestly, her behavior is so over the top and bizzare that it's kind of hard to believe what you're seeing (even if you're seeing it with your own two eyes).... For instance, when my son was young and on the days that I would pick him up from them, instead of sending him back in the clothes that I sent, she would dress him up like a girl... frilly little girl socks and all.... JUST to try to get to me. When the daycare noted that my son was comming to daycare innappropriately dressed on the days that I was picking him up and this pattern seemed intentional, she then started sending my son back in the clothes that I sent him in; BUT, she would destroy the clothing first by pouring bleach all over them, she would then send my son back in bleach stained clothes. This is one instance in which the court called her out on her behavior.... but in the end, the court couldn't really do anything about it other than warn her of the damage her actions are causing to my son and to everyone involved.
I think I forgot to mention that we knew it was her doing this (and not my ex) because of the fact that SHE was the one dropping my son off at the daycare on those days and my son's dad had already left for work before my son was even up, so he never saw any of this. She successfully hid a lot of her crazy stuff from him so the only one telling him what was going on was ME, and of course she would deny it and claim that I was trying to break them up.... and in turn, he would become defensive over her....

It literally was not until AFTER the vows where said and done when things went from questionable to downright abuse.