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Dishes in Bedroom

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DP is being AMAZING lately.

...I think really, truly because I stopped helping with certain things and he's getting sick of doing it himself AND seeing behaviours of his kids.

At dinner last night. He tells SD12 straight up, "You are spending too much time watching your shows in your bedroom." (she binge watches)
SD12: I don't binge watch daddy, I watch a couple then do something else (online).
DP: "It's not good for you to be online ALL DAY. I want you to stop."
SD12: Snotty...Yes, whatever.
DP: I'm serious. I will take care of it if you don't. (he's in his serious voice now, so I know he means it - he's been reading a lot about pre-teens/teens and online useage)
SD12: Fine daddy, I get it, OK!?
...he lets it drop at that point but I think she has fair warning now. He's PO'd about it.

THEN I'm in bed, it's close to 10:00 pm.
I hear yelling from the SDs bedroom area.
It's DP and SD12.
Apparently DP went into her room to say goodnight and he said she had so many plates, bowls, cups, glasses and silverware he couldn't believe it (I could!). He made her clean it all up, take it upstairs. Then she had to put it in the dishwasher (the horror!) OR if it didn't fit wash it all right then because "dammed if I'm going to take care of this for you." Once she was done, he told her that she needs to clean up her room each and every time before she leaves for BM's.


Now to get SDs cleaning their bathroom...I think that's next.


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Yes! He's getting there.
It's pretty amazing that he's even CHECKING and MONITORING both of these even in small ways.
He's on top of it and will be even more now that the summer break periods begin next Tuesday. He'll have MORE time to experience it.