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What is a person to do?

Gana's picture

My bf has custody of his kids and they visit their mom every other weekend and once during the week. Every sat they are with her she works and has somebody staying at her apartment to watch the kids. They are 14 and 16. My question to you is this, three weeks ago it was a guy named so and so, a month ago it was her lesbian lover and last night it was a new guy named so and so. The point is... is that she has different guys and/or her lesbian gf watch the boys while she goes to work. Is this okay that she keeps bringing all these different guys/women into their life? I guess she is bisexual I don't really know. Last week she dropped the kids off and had her lesbian gf in the car and the kids told us that she was going to work with their mom and staying with her because it was going to snow and they would be snowed in. Very confusing? Should we have a talk with the boys and tell them how we are feeling? My bf was very upset that someone who she was probably dating for about a month is now staying at her apartment when she isn't there with the boys and they don't really know him. Should we just let this go? When he talked to them last night on the phone and they told him that their mom was working and so guy named so and so was staying with them it's mom's friend that she went to school with (well my bf knows the people that she went to school with) and he said to his boys well let me talk to him on the phone and they said he was in the bathroom call back and then five minutes later she called us from work and said it was her boyfriend. How should we handle this? Please help?


Gana's picture

My thoughts are that she keeps bringing different boyfriends and girlfriends around the kids. Every other Sat she has a different guy that she is saying to the boys that it is her boyfriend. We are very uneasy that she has people that she hasn't known too long be around the boys? What should we do?

StepChicka's picture

If it bothers your fiance then he can talk to the BM about it. But, BM can tell him to F himself because he has little control on what goes on in her household unless there's violence and/or neglect.

Is it possible the kids don't really have anybody at the house and are covering up for mom? They really don't need to because they're way old enough to be left by themselves. But, it might be worth fiance to look into. The kids might be scared you guys will take time away from their mom or have a lower opinion of her.

Milomom's picture

Gana, if what your skids are saying is true, I am so sorry that they are having to deal with what BM is doing - basically just leaving them with "strangers" or new boyfriends/girlfriend whatever when she is unable to care for them. That's just pathetic & inexcusable. However, with that said, it is your FIANCEE'S place to fix this, not yours - if he's the one that is truly bothered by this, he has every right to discuss it with BM & find a resolution. He's their FATHER, for heaven's sake!!! I have a few questions & I hope my advice is helpful...

1. Do your fiancee & BM have a custody order in place that deals with this exact issue? My BF has a "right of first refusal" type of clause/language in his - it basically states that if EITHER parent is unable to have the kids on their set days (i.e. work or any other normal reason), that they MUST let the OTHER parent have the option to have the kids that day - BEFORE that parent leaves the kids with another person. If the other parent cannot help out, or doesn't want to watch the kids (and what kind of parent WOULDN'T want to take care of their OWN kids so long as there's reasonable notice & they don't have any other MAJOR plans already in place??), they are under absolutely NO obligation to do so.

In other words, my BF will send BM an email letting her know which days he is unable to have the kids (i.e. he has to work). He tries to do this with as much advance notice as possible - this gives HER the opportunity to take care of the kids on those dates, if she wants to. She isn't obligated to do so, it's just a common courtesy type of thing - and she does it vice versa with BF, so we take the kids from her on her set days when she has to work. Not only does this completely eliminate the "fear" of the kids being left with strangers (or incompetent idiots), but it eliminates unnecessary costs for child care/babysitters, etc... As a matter of fact, even if this language ISN'T in your fiancee's custody order, they can still do this - if both parents are reasonable & rational & have their kids' best interests at heart. This also assumes that you live in fairly close proximity to BM (so if you live in different states or something, then this obviously may not be practical).

2. What does your fiancee do about this? Does he tell BM that he wants to take the kids on the days that she has to work? He's their father!! There is absolutely NO rational reason why a BM would have a problem with that.

If your fiancee doesn't do anything about it, then you have nothing to say about it (of course, you are always welcome to vent about it with us here on ST - lol because we certainly understand everyone else's frustration). The kids are HIS and if he feels comfortable with them being left with "strangers", "new lesbian girlfriends", etc... or if he ISN'T comfortable with it, but DOES NOTHING TO CHANGE IT, well, then that's his loss... Also, this assumes that the skids aren't in any physical or emotional danger or anything by being in the care of these other people, of course...

Sorry this is so long. I hope it helps, though. The "right of first refusal" thing works for us...we've been together for 6 years and it's been wonderful for everyone involved - us, skids and even BM!!

Gana's picture

Thank you so much for all your answers. Yes, he is my fiance and we have had soo many problems with the BM in the past that I think my fiance just trys to keep quiet that problems wont come about. Sometimes I think the kids are covering for their mom because of things that have happened in the past. But the truth always come out so I will keep everyone advised and again thank you so much for all your answers I really need this sometimes I think I'm going crazy and i know I 'm not the crazy one.