june bride - venting
adult sd is marrying in june and now the whole world revolves around her. to be honest the young groom is a true sweetheart who had probably never seen the side of the sd that i have seen.
when she was a teen and a young woman, she saw herself as my rival in her fathers affections. it was truly unhealthy. she would hint to be taken out on weekends in the sports car like a girlfriend. she had no friends her own age, even though she was in college and had a job. she also still calls her father her bff, calling and texting several times a day, even though she has a fiancé.
dh is coughing up most of the cost of the wedding.
and the wedding gown. omg. lets just say the girl is not slim and she chose. a gown with open shoulders and spaghetti straps, a fitted body and a fish tail skirt. she looks stuffed into it and the zippers are screaming. i could not help but laugh when i saw the pictures. i know its rude, but this skid gave me so much hell when she was young.
I always wish someone would
I always wish someone would tell these rotund brides that these kinds of dresses make them look like 10 pounds of sausage in a 5 pound casing.
I'm a chunky gal myself.... finding a flattering dress was HARD, but thank god I had a dead honest maid of honor to keep me out of trouble!
Of course, YOU can't do it. Because you are evil SM and you are *just jealous* that she's *so beautiful*.
"so jealous" that she is "so
"so jealous" that she is "so beautiful" stuffed into that dress! rotfl!
Please ignore this post.
Please ignore this post. It's a duplicate.
Definitely know what you mean
Definitely know what you mean about wearing a dress so tight it looks like three pigs are fighting it out under a blanket.
Have you thought about stepmother wedding etiquette? Or, should I say, what SD and her mom and wedding planner will make up and throw at you and dad as SM wedding etiquette? That is, even if they are "considerate" enough to give you a heads-up on it prior to the rehearsal. SM etiquette always seems like a contradiction to me. Every other couple will be treated as a couple at wedding, except for dad and his wife. Don’t get it all.
I can just see the bride. Let’s see what etiquette recommends for a wedding. Hmm, my boyfriend is supposed to ask my father for my hand in marriage. “What a joke, that’s from 100 years ago.” Hmm, no sex until after marriage. “What a joke that is from 100 years ago.” Hmm, I’m supposed to wear a modest gown.” What a joke that is from 100 years ago.” Hmm, Oh!, SM is supposed to sit several rows back away from her husband during the ceremony and sit at the old folks table at the reception. “Oh yeah! I like that one!!!”
i just hope that bm and dh
i just hope that bm and dh wont be seated together. that would be sick. bm is on her fourth husband.
Shouldn’t say this, but would
Shouldn’t say this, but would not be surprised. Don’t get me wrong, I wish every SM the best; however, I think we get caught off guard a lot and way too much. At my SD’s wedding, about a year ago, not only was I shut out 100% and not even treated like a guest, but I had to unexpectedly watch my DH escort BM down the aisle, arm in arm (something my counselor said she had never heard of years after a divorce). And, BM had the audacity to bring her latest BF along, the same one she was having an affair with years ago while she was still married to DH! DH and I had been married for 13 years at the time. That was when I had it thrown in my face, manipulative, controlling BM and weak, enabling DH = step hell. There's more that went on that day, but making a long story short.
Actually, both my husband and I were Shanghaied, and I get it that DH had no clue either, and what was he supposed to do when right after he handed out the programs, the minister came up to him and told him to take BM’s hand and walk her down the aisle and then come back and get his daughter (p.s., of course I expected him to walk his daughter down the aisle), but really! What a ruse! In hindsight and after talking with several people about this, they felt we were set up for this ahead of time by all involved.
I wasn’t mad at SD that day and even BM. I was furious at DH, and still am to a certain degree, even a year plus later. At the end of the day, they were all acting like I didn’t exist, including my own DH after 13 years of marriage and spending countless hours of what I thought was quality time with SKs. It was just way too convenient for everyone to throw me under the bus and suffer no consequences. Or so they thought.
But, BM got what she wanted. She wanted to show off the couple of men she spawned with and, more importantly, wanted to show off that she still had their balls all tucked up nice and neatly in her purse ready for her to manipulate at a moment’s notice. AND, that is why I say what I say below↓, with 100% love and well-meaning intention for step-mothers everywhere.
ETA: And this is: "Best thing for step-mom to do at weddings--either go looking like Sofía Vergara in a red dress and play the flaming 2nd wife to the max., or avoid the whole thing and plan a spa day with friends, people who actually care about you."
So sorry! Boy I get what your saying!
BM knew what she was doing and honestly not to cause a rift but it was SD's wedding she knew full well that her father was going to walk BM down the isle and leave you. Where were you at that point? Seated or down the isle waiting? I would be furious with all of them!!!
I agree with you in my case next SK wedding I am skipping it altogether my experience was horrid!
I don't know why they think it is ok to not treat us as well as they would any other guest. As a matter of fact they treat the staff at the wedding nicer. I truly do not get it.
At my son's wedding my DH got a flower and was in the program as his step-father and asked to be in all of the pictures. They even did one of just my DH and my son. He has known my son a long time. We go out of our way to blend although we don't have to much as it comes natural for us. My SK's because of that whack-a-doodle BM are not allowed to like me so therefore... nightmare...
OP is the June wedding actually taking place with the Pandemic? In my area it is still not allowed.
Old enough post to be pre
Old enough post to be pre-pandemic. However, to answer your question: I was seated in the middle. Found my own seat. I guess you could say as soon as I turned to see BM and DH walk down the aisle together hand in hand, either the theme from the Twilight Zone of Psycho could have been playing in my head. My sister and her husband happened to be a couple of rows ahead of me, and she turned to me and said, "Why aren't you walking down the aisle with your DH. That is your DH!" She said it rather loud too, at least loud enough for a couple of people around us to hear. I started to answer her, and was in such shock that I just said something like, "I don't know. I'll talk to you about it later." What I really should have said is, "Screw this!," and picked up my handbag and left. Really. Of course I was not mentioned in the program anywhere.
However, I didn't exactly expect anything other than to somehow be seated with my DH throughout the entire event. But, apparently even that was asking too much. People try to use all sorts of excuses to justify SM digs at weddings, but when you read up-to-date wedding etiquette books, there really is no justification. Parents are technically not members of the wedding party, so you can't say SM is excluded from sitting with her spouse, just like the bridemaids are, for instance.
And, hello!, it is just common sense to get permission from all parties involved regarding seating. I guess what gets me PO'd too is that somehow the minister even seemed to be in on it. What gives? Do they go to bible school to learn how to exclude step-parents!? Maybe? All I can say is I'm still bruised from that event. I don't even know how to describe what it felt like to have seemingly everyone under the sun, including my own DH, stick it to me that day several times over. I'm sure some people think I'm just being dramatic, and I admit I am to an extent, but at the same time I'm trying to heal. The only thing I can compare it to is that imagine you and your DH are walking, and a group of people come out of nowhere and mug you, and when they are done, you lay on the floor in shock and in pain and minus pretty much all of your dignity and your DH just stands there, seemingly unharmed, like nothing ever happened. Yeah, you'd be healing from the bruises from that still years later. So, I am about 85% disengaged from the people who mugged me (BM, SKs, others?), and I am still working on whether I can truly forgive my DH or not, and yet at the same time, have to wonder if he'd be capable of letting the same thing or similar ever happen again. Baby steps.
Being a SP can really suck sometimes. You add what happened that day to all of the work, hard work, loving work, I put into taking care of my SKs for 10+ years up to that point, and only another SM could ever understand the betrayal and pain you feel and how used you feel that your own marriage, your marriage for 10+ years to your DH, was permitted to somehow be completely pissed on, without your permission, without your husband's permission, and this all happened in a church to boot! And, by the way, the church was a Lutheran church, and DH and I were married in a Lutheran church; so, why the H- would what is considered a more "liberal" church allow DH to get remarried and me to get married for the 1st time, only to think nothing of pissing all over our "blessed" maritial union in the future, at someone else's wedding no less.
I cannot imagine having to sit through this humiliation. Each and everytime I read about what you went through I boil with anger with and for you.
Your analogy with the mugging is spot on. Shame on all at that wedding that took part in this fiasco, whether willing or not!
ETA is OP sugarspice still around. I also followed her posts.
Just because someone may be
Just because someone may be an ordained minister does not make them immune from being an evil toxic dipshit.
What has your DH said about this and more importantly, what has he done to put his foot up his toxic spawns ass and the manipulative ass of his POS X? This speaks unequivocally to the abject failure of that failed former family. Did you or your DH call the Lutheran church leadership and climb their ass for the manipulative crap perpetrated by this idiot minister?
If now, why not?
Take care of you.
Thanks for your support on
Thanks for your support on this! I know you are just as big of a proponent as me when it comes to treating a married couple like a married couple.
I know I've come here and be.atched about this far too long. But I still can't get my DH to take that much culpability for it; or, to get him to heartedly confront anyone else involved, incl. BM, SKs. I've wanted him to, of course. In the beginning we had several discussions, some of them heated, about it. Heck! I even went and saw a counselor over it, because I was already having a hard time with some things going on in my life at that time, and then, to me, after that it was like: Am I truly married to this guy or not? Because I sure don’t feel that way right now. He did not have my best interests at heart that day. He had his own, BM's, several others’ and his daughter's, of course, but not mine.
Actually, neither of us wound up going to SS's wedding a couple of years later. It was a destination wedding. It wasn't anything revengeful that I or we planned. It was just that I told him I was not going, period, and he made the decision not to go on his own. (A lot of these dads find a way out to go to these types of things if their buffer SM/ their wife won't tag along.) I don't know? Yes, I am now able to admit he is at least somewhat of a coward. Anyway, he met with his son and son's future wife to explain why we weren’t going, and he was supposed to mention manipulative, controlling BM and what happened at last wedding and such as part of the reason, and also fill his son and daughter in on his side of their divorce way back when, BUT I was not there, and many months later he let it slip to me that he didn't even bring up BM when he was explaining things to them.
It's hard. I find myself like a lot of women here saying, "He's just so-o nice!" "If it just wasn't for that." However, I fully well know manipulative, controlling BM and weak, enabling DH = step hell. I oft. ask myself that question: Am I better off with him, and I am. Right now, for instance, he has been fairly supportive of both of my parents being in our home while I take care of them. Yet, he is such a !#@$# coward when it comes to BM. She can be that scary. Both my DH and I were thinking she probably lied to at least a couple of the people, incl. the minister?, and just told them outright that she and DH and her daughter had it all planned that way, thinking no one would dare stand up to her after the fact, and they didn't. I did. But no one else did. I sat right next to my DH at the reception and refused to move. Nonetheless. . .
But I know I'm going to have to have another Coming to Jesus moment with DH at some point, once things are more settled with my folks. They both have very chronic health conditions, so that is my focus now. However, currently, my plans are to tell my DH at some point that I am going to 100% disengage from being a SM, and that means I’m not going to go along with him any more to “family” functions and be his buffer. I think yet another part of the problem for SMs is that when we go to these events, our DHs tend to see us foremost as buffers rather than as SOs or wives. Yet another reason to disengage from that role.
It comes down to: Every woman wants to think that her husband always has her best interests in mind/ at heart. Unfortunately, I saw it with my own eyes that whenever he is around BM and/or SKs, I cannot count on necessarily being any kind of priority and possibly even becoming Public Enemy #1. So, if he wants to go kiss their butts fine, but I'm not going to, and I don't even want to risk that I might be “mugged” yet again! Don't want to even risk it. Because, you can let one really big faux pas go in a marriage, perhaps, but if it repeats, then you have to admit your DH is just an a$$ of a repeat offender, and ask yourself: Is that what I want out of life--to be with someone who you never know when they are going to put their own and someone else's interests over yours, as if you are more of a concubine vs. wife? Sure, it may be due to cowardness vs. much else, but no woman in the year 2020 wants to be married to a man who treats her, his own wife, like sloppy seconds or thirds, or instantly moves her on the bottom of his "family" priority list, without warning. I'd rather be by myself than have to live with that.
Yep!, Coming to Jesus moment down the road. . .
I am so sorry that you are
I am so sorry that you are having to repeatedly deal with this issue. Congratulations on standing your ground and driving for improvement.
I truly hope that your DH can find some spine and be the DH that he should be to you.
Take care of you.
You are not being dramatic
I have got to get better about checking the date on posts when I respond. I keep thinking if they are in the feed they are new. Lately many have been revived. However glad it was it hit a nerve with me too.
You are not being over dramatic at all!!! And you should expect your DH to be there for you and by your side. He never should have let that happen. He also should have inquired about the particulars of the wedding ahead of time to avoid surprises such as this.
I had a similar experience at my step-Childs wedding and I am still not completely over it either and never will be. While DH walked and sat with me he allowed BM and BM's family treat me like dirt, like I did not exist. He should have stood by my side. He did it at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. We had a pact and a plan before we went to the rehearsal and wedding and when we got there he became someone else completely!! When I mentioned it in the car on the back from the rehearsal he got mad at me. The wedding went worse. I can tell you that I don't care what event takes place I am never going again!!!!!!!!!!!
I am in the rub their noses in it camp myself.
Hit the salon, go shoping for the perfect dress (color be damned), walk in radiating happiness and confidence.
The good thing about cockroaches is that they scurry for dark corners when a light is thrown on in a dark room. Be the light, the roaches will scurry.
When planning, executing (and paying for) SD's first wedding, i realized that BM would have a prominent role. I both hated her and was jealous of her. I decided that no holds were barred. I shopped a long time for the perfect dress, I:m older and the tv show Dallas was on so i said to myself, they're showing me Miss Elly dresses but I want a Pam dress. Many dollars later, i found it at Saks. Worth every penny. Lol.
Well played!
Well played!
Wedding Etiquette. Usually I
Wedding Etiquette. Usually I’m not a big fan of wedding etiquette, per se, since it usually seems to be used in whatever manner so as to inflict as much discomfort on dad’s wife as possible, BUT I’ve just gone through “The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book, 4th edition, by Holly Lefevre. On the back it states, “Your essential guide to the modern wedding,” and mentions dealing with unhappy stepfamilies. So, I had to at least glance through it, of course.
Have to say, I was at least somewhat impressed (and that’s saying a lot for me). What impressed me the most is that when it came to stepfamilies and where people sit, she stated quite clearly to get permissions from all parties involved. She stated this a couple of times. So, NO, it us not automatically just whatever the bride and groom wants, so suck it up !#@$! SM. Also, what I found interesting, is that she recommended not seating exes that closely together EVEN IF they get along. Here are some good quotes:
“The basic principle of etiquette can be summed up simply as the idea of not offending, embarrassing or upsetting others.” (Aside: That sure as H- wasn’t followed at my SD’s wedding!) “You should always invite significant others of married guests, engaged couples, couples who live together, and those who are generally considered to be a couple.”
This was advice to a groom that didn’t want to invite his stepfather: “To invite your mother without her husband would be awkward, rude and offense to your mother. If you insist on excluding your stepfather, you should discuss it first with your mother.” Parents are not considered members of the wedding party, contrary to popular belief. “The head table is usually reserved for the members of the wedding party. Parents usually sit at separate tables with their families.” “Divorced parents should not be seated at the same table, no matter how well they get along.” More on that below. . .
This is the author’s response to the question: Should ex-spouses or ex-in-laws be invited? The author’s response is basically No, but what I found more interesting is what she goes on to say: “Even if you think your relationship has evolved to a certain level and you feel okay inviting your ex, you may feel differently later or when the day comes. Additionally, it can be confusing if you have children together and awkward for many of the guests to see your “old” wife, for instance, at an event meant to ring in the new.” I think this plays into what there has been a lot of discussion about lately, and that is that being friendly-friendly with the ex is not a good thing, as it causes confusion for the kids and can be awkward for many others.
Gotta love an approach that
Gotta love an approach that is based on use of the brain rather than toxicity and emotion.
Yes! Unfortunately, when it
Yes! Unfortunately, when it comes to SMs, far too many approaches are based on the use of emotion and toxicity rather than the brain.