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And the Drama Continues...

katielee's picture

I realize I haven't posted in a very long time and I apologize.

So now I will try to update you all in as few words as possible...

~ We did move several states away in July, 2015 as scheduled. I don't think DH believed I was actually moving until the very last minute. He had absolutely NOTHING packed and ended up leaving much of his stuff at the old house. I think he underestimated exactly how SICK I was of his daughter.

~ Once we got here, SD14 made herself the big, fat, whiny, crying VICTIM, even though she was the one who ultimately decided to stay behind. DH suffered through several screaming, crying phone calls from her early on.

~ SD14 decided in November she wanted to come up here to live with us after all.

~ That was a big fat HELL NO.

~ Big bunch of drama at Christmas...SD14 wanted to come up sooooo bad. We agreed to drive to meet Bar Whore half way. Bar Whore could not be bothered to drive half way. Instead she insisted on a plane ticket. Plane tickets were too expensive. I checked every airline. But wait! Wonderful, smart Bar Whore FOUND an airline we could afford! She bought an airline ticket for $200 that we were to split. I couldn't figure out how I missed said airline, so I checked it out. Turns out said airline does not even fly into the airport that is kind of, sort of near us (an hour and a half drive.) Instead, Bar Whore had bought the plane ticket to ANOTHER city in our state with a similar name (remember Bar Whore is pretty stupid.) I bring it to her attention and tell her we will NOT be driving more hours than we would have driven to meet her AND pay half of the plane ticket. Bar Whore throws a fit. SD14 throws a fit. Of course it is MY fault. And NOBODY thought to say thank you to the stepmother who saved SD14 from standing at an airport several hours away while we looked for her at an airport in a completely different city...

~ SD14 didn't get to come for Christmas... boo hooo

~ DH went to mediation In January to transfer custody of SD14 back to Bar Whore.

~ DH was blindsided in mediation by Bar Whore and the Pro-Woman Mediator...seems Bar Whore was INSISTING that he take custody of SD14. Bar Whore crying she can't do anything with her and Pro-Woman Mediator insisting he should put his child firsttttt.... wah, wah, wah....

~ Um... that was still a big HELL NO.

~ But he did feel guilty enough to allow it to be placed in the court documents that he agrees to call SD14 every other day at a set time so that she has fair opportunity to start drama.

~ SD14 has struggled to find drama so far this month. So far all she's been able to do was whine that we didn't get her any school clothes back in August. Wah, wah, wah...

~ But I like living 800 miles from SD14 since she has to content herself with starting drama from afar.

~ But not to worry... she's really good at it.


katielee's picture

Ain't that the truth?!? I am still shaking my head over the whole thing. What kind of BM fights so hard to get rid of her own kid???

The thing that really chapped my ass is that they won't allow the stepmother in mediation, yet they feel it is totally fine to decide to put that little bitch back in my home without even consulting me?

F*ck that.

katielee's picture

Well, since he chooses to live with me, I guess in this case it would be MY HOME. Thanks for helping me clarify that :?

katielee's picture

Yeah, my DH knew if he brought SD14 up here then he would be the one to have to move out lol.

HappilySelfish679's picture

It was agreed prior to my marriage to DH that I would not tolerate skids any more than EOWE or he will move out . Short of BM dying , that is the deal . Thankfully BM is very jealous and carefully watches every second DH spends with kids so that he does not get any More time with skids , which suits me just fine . DH seems very relieved each time skids leave . Another thing him and I have in common lol

Disneyfan's picture

Which parent is the better parent? If the kid would be better off with dad than mom, why in the world would dad not take her? No, I'm not saying SD has to be in your house.

moeilijk's picture

?? Now that I don't get. The OP moved away from the people bringing her down, and won't tolerate them coming back. How is that entitled to anything but her own life of happiness?

Personally, I admire the strength and fortitude of the OP. I think it's easier to stay stuck in an unhappy relationship, or unhappy circumstances, than it is to break those shackles and move on. The DH can do what he wants, as he's been doing all along.

katielee's picture

We actually went to court, spent a bunch of time and money to get permission to take SD14 with us. She backed out, after causing almost every imaginable problem in our home and marriage that she could. She made the choice to go back to her mother's to live and at that time we told her she was not going to jerk everybody back and forth. Whatever decision she made was permanent. And so it is.

ctnmom's picture

Katie, I have followed your blogs in the past- congrats on your move! I don't understand why SD wants to move up with you guys if you and her don't get along? What am I missing? I don't remember all of your situation. Seems fishy she wants to come there, doesn't she have friends? I moved at age 15 and it stands out as one of the most horrible times in my life, and I'm 51. :O

katielee's picture

That's a good question. I believe the answer to that is she is bored and likes to cause trouble for her own entertainment. It would be much easier for her to start drama here. And no...she doesn't have very many friends. She is a bully and no one likes her very much.

katielee's picture

Thank you! I was so sick when I left that my sister had to come pack up my house and literally move me back home. I have had to apply for disability. I am working now toward getting my health back together. It is much easier without all the stress and aggravation.

katielee's picture

That's exactly how I I made a grand escape:D

And SD NOT coming here is as much for her safety as it is my sanity. Folks up here in these hills don't put up with her kind very well.

IslandGal's picture

Hi Katielee! I havent posted in a while..just wanted to say CONGRATS on your move and sticking to your guns with toxic SD. You are an inspiration to those of us dealing with mini wives and I applaud you!!!! I think you are an amazing person!!!

katielee's picture

Thank you! It is still a battle but nowhere near what it was:)

As soon as we got here, SD went back to calling him Daddyyyyy on the phone...and even in texts...ugh. I seriously dread seeing her this summer but hopefully I'll be a lot better off physically by then. I'll definitely keep you all updated:)

katielee's picture

I don't intend to. I have told DH that I will never live with her again. My nerves & health can't handle it.

DarkStar's picture

Hi there Katielee!!! Good to hear from you!

I am so glad your move has worked out for you.

Ignore the ignorant naysayers that are wringing their hands over poor pwecious them, the kids are ALWAYS first regardless of how unruly and feral they are.

Way to take your life and your marriage back!

katielee's picture

Thank you!

Yeah, I'm pretty good at ignoring naysayers...or playing on their emotional playgrounds, depending on my mood }:)

katielee's picture

I am SO glad the books helped:D It worked for me and my life. I hope you make your escape as soon as humanly possible!