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HA! That's a good one MIL! HAHA!

BSgoinon's picture

I've posted here several times about my MIL. I will sum her up here for those of you that don't know about her. 11 years ago when I met her, she adored me. She was pretty normal, a little overbearing, but seemed to be a good and loving mom and grandma. DH and his siblings were always very mean to her, I didn't understand. By mean, I don't mean CRUEL... I mean, they just didn't go out of their way to spend time with her. Something I always do for my mom. I wasn't used to that. The only thing they would really say is "she's never been a good mom, just wait, she will fail again"... and OH MY GOSH did she prove them right. About 3 or 4 years in to my relationship with DH she went off the deep end. And from what I am told, this is how she was throughout most of their teenage years. She had surgery on her knee and very quickly became addicted to pain killers. It was all downhill from there. Since then she has:

Accused me of "refusing to let her see her grandkids" - I wouldn't let her take them in her car because she was visibly under the influence of SOMETHING
Accused me of having an affair with HER husband
Became BFF's with BM a week before our wedding and plotted to "destroy" it.
Attempted on SEVERAL occasions to convince BM that she needs to sue DH for child support and full custody
Told BM that I force SS to call me mom (this was about 6 years ago, that has NEVER happened)
I have about 15 voice mails from her saved where she accused me of trying to steal her dads money after he passed away, she was very obviously loaded when she was calling me. Slurred words, doesn't make sense.
AT her dads funeral, we hadn't even buried him yet, she was talking to the estate attorney about her inheritance and when she will get it. Tried to get DH and his siblings to provide their SS#'s and contact info to this guy at the grave site.

Anyway, she is a total asshole.

Most recently, she befriended BM (AGAIN) and the proceeded to attack me on social media. That's when I Deleted my social media account (I only had instagram, I don't FB). When she and BM had a falling out (because MIL stopped giving her money), she went crawling back to DH, who basically told her to take a flying leap. His stipulation to having a relationship with her is that she "make things right" with me... he is fully aware that I have no intentions of allowing her to "make things right" with me. He doesn't want a relationship with her. We haven't seen her in 2 years and we are both ok with that. She lives a few states away. YAY!

This morning, she text DH and told him she would be out here this month and wants to stay with us :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: I told DH "tell her she can stay with BM, oh wait, BM is homeless.. tough luck".


hereiam's picture

Oh my God, what on Earth would make her think she could stay with you? What a crackpot!

BSgoinon's picture

She is a serious crackpot. I don't know why she would think that. She is constantly sending DH texts like-

I am your MOTHER, I gave BIRTH to you. I should be the most important person in your life

I will ALWAYS be your mom your wife won't be your wife forever, trust me

She told DH that I am mad at her right now because "all I did was like one little picture of BM's on instagram and she flipped out"... ummmm.... no. She was posting pictures of DH and his siblings... pictures that I TOOK and tagging BM in them. And posting old pictures of BM from when she and DH were together, referring to her as her "beautiful daughter in law". Yeah... kiss my ass moron.

stylemelc's picture

Oh the dreaded MIL!! Although yours is a little worst. My MIL has never liked me. She has always spoke ill of my husband, her son. She use to call me to tell me about how great BM was, and that I have no clue or understanding about being a mother. However, SS lives with me and I am the one rising him because BM is to messed up on pills! Hell BM doesn't even call to talk to my SS. MIL has even gone as far as inviting BM to family events, and spending time with her and her family! Saying it's for the kids... haha
Anyhow, it didn't stop there... my husband was away over the summer for about 4 months. He had expressed, very verbally might I add, that SS was to come home and start the school year with me. MIL told my husband she understood, and would see to it that would happen. Then she turned around and flat out lied to me!! Told me that my husband understood that since he was away, he need to start school up there with BM who couldn't even take care of herself let alone my SS. My SS even expressed to my MIL that he did not want to start school there, but she instead that was what had to happen and that his father understood!

This woman is such a narcissis that she made up this whole sob story about someone dying and there son not talking to them. So my husband told her you need fix things, you need to go out of your way to apologize to my wife. Her response is I'm too old for that. WTF, right?? I then get a tex from her that says we hope to see soon. Which I responded: I am not trying to be rude, but I really have nothing to say to you. Of course I show my husband, because I know my MIL is going to make up so story about how I'm just this mean, horriable person. Literally right after I showed him the text, she sent one saying I tried to applogize to her. I'm still trying to figure out where the sorry was in her message. Ugh... what a monster-in-law!!!

I mean I would be in tears over things my MIL said and did to me. When my husband caught her in all of her lies that was the end of our communication with her! Thank God!! That was 2 yers ago, and life has been peaceful in that prosective.

For all I care MIL and BM can run off and marry each other!

Tuff Noogies's picture

i swear, BS, our MIL's are bat$#!t crazy. yours sounds just. like. mine....

she and dumb@$$ would hang out at the pool "for the boys, cuz they were swimming." they'd go shopping together, go have lunch together, etc. she chose to keep her as family and very loudly and plainly stated so, so i'm out. done. finito. havent spoken to the b!tch in almost 3 1/2 years. now she's getting a nice eye-full of what her daughter-in-law REALLY is.

funny thing is this - apparently it's perfectly alright to choose family. so i choose dumb@$$' mom as MY mother-in-law. }:)

BSgoinon's picture

Haha. Funny because BM has told me that she is going to live in a tent in the desert.

RedRedVines's picture

Oh god. This is one of those "If everyone threw their problems into a pile, you would snatch yours right back" situations. My MIL is a pain but nothing like this.