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Two Different Parenting Styles

SuzeeBelle's picture

DH and I are parenting our respective kids very differently and it is causing some friction. In our house we have my BD7 and BD9, along with my SS9 and SS9. All four are with us full time (I was widowed and DH's ex has pretty much abandoned the boys). Any suggestions for how I can get over this? I hate to see kids going without what they need. It breaks my heart to see kids not being given affection, being taught manners, not being supported in school, etc., however I am unable to take on a more active role in the parenting of these boys. It is like having two separate families under one roof. Two sets of rules, two sets of expectations, two sets of responsibilities, two sets of consequences. Any advice would be great. Thank you.

ohiodad's picture

It sounds like you and your SO need to sit down and have a heart to heart. You cannot run your house like that, especially if you say you have both sets of siblings full time. Kids are really good at divide and conquer and it sounds like you are setting that up for them.