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School starts tomorrow...

PrincessCupcake's picture

And SS13 is a little scared. Brand new school in a brand new state, with all new people. Plus a lot of new rules at the school that he's not used to. I honestly think the only part he's liking about this right now is that he loves his school clothes. I mean seriously loves them, to the point that we've had to ask him to stop wearing them and wear his regular clothes.

I'm so not ready for the bedtime fight tonight. Or the 5:45 am wake up fight tomorrow, and the homework fight tomorrow afternoon. At least his dad will be here to help with the homework fight.

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm scared too. Of getting the call from the school saying 'hey, your skid is a disciplinary problem'. On the first day. Fingers crossed that the beast behaves himself.


PrincessCupcake's picture

Well, I guess when he comes home saying school was boring, but then telling us all about it with a smile on his face, then things went well.

And evidently the lunch is delicious! Score...less for me to have to feed him.