Does she even want her kids? I mean come on!!
Dear Princess,
I know that you are hurting still, and that you want to make his life misserable. I know that you hate that he's happy. You wish horrible things on him, and try your best to make his life hell. But your not hurting him. He's the happiest i've ever seen him. He has love in his life. Real love. Not the kind you tried to make him believe he could buy from you. He knows who he is, and he isn't scared of you anymore. It took being with a real woman, to realize what a monster you can and have been. I wish that you could see how much your hurting yourself. And the kids.
Princess, your not doing yourself or these sweet kids any favors by keeping them up waiting for you. 11pm on a school night isn't acceptable. I know your probablly thinking that your cutting into his time with me, and making it hard for us. But your just giving us more time with them. You have proven to them that your boyfriend is much more important. And at 8 years old, your daughter already resents you for it. You know that your not making proper choices when your 17 year old has to tell your boyfriend to go home, so that she can get her homework done and you can go get her sibblings...
I know you hate that I buy the kids used clothes. I know you throw them away when they wear them to your house. But we pay you 2500 a month and they come to our house wearing clothes 6 sizes too small! We can't afford to buy SD8, and SS6 new clothes. We already spent 300 on them for school clothes alone. And those were all brand new. But you complained about those too. So if you hate both why would i put in the extra effort and monney? They love their new-used clothes. Shouldn't their happiness be what matters? Be greatful that their clothed. And please take your son out of the little girls underwear. I know we have bought several packages of boys unders and sent them with you.Please put your daughter in clothes that fit too. She is 8 years old, and a size 7. Not 2T. I know she is skinny. But she is begining to look like a little hooker. Please just do laundry. Or send their laundry with them and i'll do it. Please.
Oh Princess, I know you want to find love again. We want you to move on with life too and find a good guy. Maybe someone to help balance you out, Like the gentlemen that you have been seeing for the last few years. Just Sign the damn divorce papers, and take the divorce class already. You know he wants to marry you. (Lord knows why...)but he does. He would be a great SDad. He has got enough money to get you that boob job that you are dying for. He could buy you all the plastic body features you want. But you need to actually divorce my BF first... Just saying.
Princess, Princess, Princess, I Can't stand you. And i hate the way you pretend to raise these kids. Please dont offer to baby sit our son. He IS cute, i know. He IS a good little boy. And i want him to stay that way. I see first hand the way you neglect your kids. I don't want Our little guy in an enviroment like that, even for just a few hours. Sorry. Precious offer, But it needs to stop. You Don't do anything with your kids because your social life is sooo busy... Marathons, mud wrestling, trips to OR and CA, late night dates, and road trips... Just spend time with your kids. All of them. Not just the teenager. She needs you too, but your little ones need you more. Believe me. Your son still isn't potty trained. Spend some time working with him. Worry less about us. We are doing just fine without you.
Thanks for the time Princess.
The Step (on me again and i'll choke you out) Mom.
I could have written this to
I could have written this to our BM, except for the other man bit...she's too nasty now for any man to want her.
LOL oh that made my day to
LOL oh that made my day to know that im not the only person dealing with someone like this!
Are you for real?
Are you for real?