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Sharing expenses?

iamlosingit's picture

Dh (more like "dear fiance") and I have been living together for about 6 yrs now. We have been renting a one bedroom apartment for almost a year, but since he recently filed and received his rights we now have a visitation schedule with overnights and other obligations. Bm refuses to pack an overnight bag so we have purchased clothing for ss weekend stays. He also never brings toys, so now our hall closet is filled with ss things. We have a twin mattress that I purchased, and ss sleeps on this in the middle of our living room. When he goes home, we cover it in plastic and it is stored on our covered patio because we have nowhere else to put it. Ss is going to be 8 in less then two months, and our lease is almost up. I suggested to dh that we look into getting a two bedroom. Upon further searching, we found one in the same complex. The downside? Our apartment has new owners, and they not only raised the rent in all units, but they are also now charging for ALL utilities, when before we only paid for electric. If we stay in our one bedroom, with the increased rent and new charges we will be paying almost $940/month. For a two bedroom, our costs go up to a little over $1,100. Here's my question: how do you as a sm draw the line when it comes to expenses? I share in all the grocery bills be it a visitation weekend or not. I share expenses for entertainment when ss is over. I help pay for Christmas and Birthday celebrations. Dh wants the new rent split 50/50. I don't know how I feel about this. The two bedroom is allowing us to live more comfortably in a confined space. We can also get ss a tv for his room so the "fabulous" pokemon and cartoon marathons can stop taking over the weekend and we can stop having an avalanche of junk fall out of the closet each time we need something. No more only being able to sit on two seats of our sectional sofa because the mattress covers half the living room walking space. But I can't help but feel like dh should share just a little more of the rent expense. I pay pet rent every month, I have never asked dh to share any costs or time involving my dog. He has never offered, I've never suggested. Maybe that was a stupid comparison, I don't know. Dh works all the time, even on "our weekends". When he has visitation, money seems to fly out the window and he never works ot. I feel like there is no balance between time spent and that I am just a walking atm. Where do you draw the line?