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Another laughable moment made by dh.

nunya1983's picture

The other night when SD actually did dishes (took her over an hour), dh went on about how SD did a pretty good job (never has he said this about dds work on the dishes). He continued on about how she even washed the pots and pans, even though this is what they are instructed to do. The funny (laughable) part is that he's washing then as we speak... how did SD do them if he's literally scraping rice out of the pan? After the dishwasher ran I ended up picking food and rice out of forks and scraping peanut butter off of some butter knives.

And then last night, he told dd to wash the glass dish that I broiled the fish in, which she called back that she already did (I always expect them to). He has always instructed SD to not wash it, because it's too hard....

This from the man who says that my bios are his, that he treats everyone the same... he's so full of bs it makes me laugh.

Thank you for allowing me to share this, no I don't need any advice. I just laughed when he said how well SD did the dishes... he always looks so confused and upset and disturbed when I laugh when he says things like this.


nunya1983's picture

There has been times when they leave crap on dishes, just because it's an expectation doesn't mean my expectations are always met. I'm just saying that even when it does get clean, nobody seems to think it needs to be mentioned.

nunya1983's picture

Yes, any time I'm picking food out of the dishes I call all the children to give them a "refresher course" as long as SD is there to hear the refresher course. I explain how how important it is to have clean dishes, that people can get sick from eating on dirty dishes.

IamexhaustedSM's picture

DH had to stand over SS to get him to do the dishes. In order for them to be clean DH had to take them out of the dishwasher and hand them back to SS to get the food off. Then SS did not know how to load the washer or put soap in it. That means that he never washed dishes because OSD, YSD did them until they could pin it on DD. DD KNOWS how to do dishes. I expect nothing less then for DD to try her best.

EvilAngel's picture

Sounds like my DH. Anytime Thunderfoot does anything that she is SUPPOSED to would think she found the cure for cancer the way he goes on and on about it.

nunya1983's picture

Exactly! But things like dd10 getting into gt program at school, got accepted to DUKE TIP program, got advanced scores on standardized tests nothing, maybe he said, "oh, good" that's it. When 2 of dd11's teachers advised me to put her in gt classes, he said, "OK". No praise, no wow, that's cool, no good job, no excitement whatsoever.

Now when SD does what she's supposed to do... oh my gosh, he can stop singing praises! It makes me laugh, it's truly ridiculous! He still thinks he treats all 3 of them equal, he still thinks if something horrible happens to me, he would be the best choice for me to leave them with... he says that my mom's an alcoholic (true) so she wouldn't be trustworthy, I agree. My sister is a horrible parent, doesn't patent her own kids (neither does he), and my brother has his own problems. If likely want my older brother to be the one who takes them. He is a very responsible parent, he loves his kids, but he does patent them, he doesn't allow them to be insane monkeys.

EvilAngel's picture

Thankfully I do not have any children of my own because I would probably go ape shit if he ohhhhed and ahhhhhed over every little thing she does and didn't do the same for my kids. He has mentioned us having kids. HELL NO! I don't want kids and our parenting styles are totally different from each other. We would be divorced within a year.

nunya1983's picture

I never wanted him to not ooh and ahh over real accomplishments, and if he doesn't ooh and ahhh over my kids, that's not a big deal, but he doesn't need to go around saying that he treats them all equal, he doesn't need to say that my kids are his daughters. He site as hell doesn't need to ooh and ahhh over an inadequate job of doing her expected chores lol. It's just hilarious!

EvilAngel's picture

It makes me gag. I seriously have to walk away when I hear him praising her because I don't want him to see my rolling my eyes so hard they slam into my skull!

bearcub25's picture

Kind of like when DSO points out that SS15 said my name before BMs when they were Christmas shopping, or SS told him to tell me Happy Mothers Day.

DSO tries to point out that SS doesn't hate me as much as he has told the world he does (and maybe I'll let him move back in). DSO doesn't point it out when the brat ignores me when I speak to him though.

Its whatever.

Strengthh's picture

My H too. The offensive part was that my H always talked about parenting, but never actually did. Unless it was my kids. Never his. He always said kids need chores. .....yes they do, but you never give yours any.

Or he would say how his daughter always picked up after herself and my kids didn't, his daughter NEVER not once picked up after herself. In fact, she would leave her chewed gum everywhere. And just generally litter. My kids at that time were picking up after themselves with reminders. Or on their own sometimes, but never to the point of leaving gum anywhere but the garbage. That little bitch created so much litter and mess, and got praised and praised for years.

One time she was dusting. The way a toddler would,,literally randomly swatting a rag and spraying randomly. At 11 years old. And getting praise and praise from her dad. Sickening.

Really, if he is a hypocrite like mine, it builds big big resentment in kids. Your SD is the fat princess on a pedestal who can do no wrong.

DarkStar's picture

SD12's job is dishes. SO has a dishwasher and he has to double-check the dishes all the time.

A couple of months ago he said he noticed that he hadn't had to buy dishwasher soap in a while and checked the bottle. It was full!!! SD12 was just being lazy and not putting soap in the dishwasher!!! I mean, it takes what, 10 seconds to put the soap in??? And mental note....don't eat at SO's anymore......