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O/T meds and other things

omgstop's picture

So I saw a psychiatrist last week for a med evaluation. After talking with her, she explained that ADD, depression, anxiety and lack of sleep, can overlap each other in terms of not being able to focus. She upped my ADD meds, prescribed some Ambien to get me on a sleep schedule and added a mood stabilizer. I'm not one to rely too heavily on diagnosis and my goal is to get off some of these meds at some point, if possible.

That being said, I saw my regular therapist, (every other week), and about halfway through the session I realized that things are not as bad as I thought they were. For the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm able to slow down, talking myself off the edge over small things and really handle the stresses that step-life has presented. At least for now, it's not so bad, especially with dh handling any and all things with Voldemort. I also credit the support I've received from you guys in the short time I've been on this site. Smile

I guess I just wanted to share something positive, for once, lol. Hope everyone is having a good day and thanks for reading!


omgstop's picture

I've never even CONSIDERED that camping would be an option for resetting sleep patterns! Where the heck did you learn this?! It's GENIUS! I haven't been camping in AGES, gotta start looking for a place to do that while dd is here....thanks!

omgstop's picture

Thanks! Some weeks I have to FORCE myself to go to the regular therapist, and it's totally worth it afterwards. Thanks again!