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Should have left last November

katielee's picture

Some of y'all might remember I had finally had enough last fall and decided to move back to the area where my family lives, with or without my DH and definitely WITHOUT my SD13.

Then DH talked me into giving him until April. Then he talked me into taking SD13 with us...

We went through battles with BM and a bunch of court crap until we finally got permission to take her. We were planning to move asap this summer.

But guess what? Now she's decided she doesn't want to go. She'd rather stay with BM. She understandssss that daddyyyy is still going to gooo but... :(:(:( Now she's all long faced and pitiful and milking it for all it's worth.

In the meantime, I'm in the middle of one of the worst fibro flare ups I've had in years. I am barely able to work and possibly looking at having to get on disability.

DH is disappointed that I can't work and make him a bunch of money anymore.

STRESS is considered the number one cause of fibro flares by many fibromyalgia sufferers. I have had nothing but stress since DH moved SD into my home a year ago last January without so much as a nod at what I might or might not have wanted.

So I guess I've come full circle and the only thing that makes sense is for me to just leave, with or without DH and DEFINITELY WITHOUT SD.

I need the support of my family and people that love me.


No saint's picture

Honey, you need to take care of yourself. Your emotional and physical health are deteriorating due to the situation you live in and that can't be. Remember: it's YOUR life so choose to live it happy and healthy.

katielee's picture

I wondered what happened with JingerV. Awesome! I'm so happy for her.

I had a discussion a few nights ago and told him that once I'm moved up there and settled in, that she's not gonna just up and decide she messed up and she's coming too. I'm not having my life disrupted like that. He said, "You're saying she can't come if she changes her mind." and I said yes. He never replied. He was not happy. I think You're right. I need to make it clear that she's already made her choice and she stays here, or she's liable to change her mind ten times before we leave.

My family is pushing to come get me right now. Even my sweet-natured Mama is madder than a wet hen and liable to show up at any moment with a UHaul lol.

This last bout of illness lasted three days and I was sicker than I think I've ever been in my life except when I had appendicitis. I was having panic attacks because the pain was so bad and I couldn't get it under control. And I threw up in bouts from 3PM to 11PM. DH had his friend over with the "other" mini-wife and I could hear them outside playing in the pool. Just made things so much worse.

So yeah, this time I've got to go. I know I have no choice. Just packing today and trying to get my medical records together to apply for SSDI. I guess I'll be a charity case until that comes through. I hate being a burden on my family:(

katielee's picture

Okay I'm headed to the Dollar Tree to get tape and bubble wrap. Been collecting boxes. Katie Lee is packing...

Found out Sister and Mama have been cleaning out their shed for me. It sounds bad, but it's a nice big wooden shed that looks more like a cabin... has two lofts and two windows. I'm going to put fencing around Mom's (big) backyard because, um, I have lots of fur babies.

Things could be worse. I am getting excited:D

katielee's picture

Ok wow...that didn't go well. I was all pumped up and ready to pack and it lasted fifteen or twenty minutes then BOOM! I realized I have fibromyalgia and I don't have the energy to be all pumped up Sad

So I guess I'll rest for awhile and try it slower next time...sigh.

misSTEP's picture

I empathize with you.

We are getting ready to move to a new house 30 miles away (closing on June 12!!!). We are also remodeling the current place before we put it up for sale. I am going through our tons of boxes of crap we never unpacked to make sure we get rid of what we don't need. Plus, I am working FT.

We haven't even begun to move yet and I feel like I am way too tired to push through all this. I have autoimmune issues myself. Yes, they are extremely aggravated due to stress.