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I've gotten good at ignoring her.

EvilAngel's picture

I can walk around Thunderfoot and never say a word. It comes easily now. But I can't ignore her ways. She's not supposed to have food in her room. By food I mean something she could spill because she is a klutz! DH has been working his ass off and tonight I made tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo...that and tequila shots. We all ate together...which I hate because she talks the entire time about shit she has no clue about. She didn't know anything about Cinco de Mayo (I feel it's just an excuse to drink tequila and eat tacos but I do know a little about it) but she knew all about The Day of The Dead celebration in Mexico. Ok....So now she's trying to convince us to take a vacation to Mexico because she would really like to be a part of that. Not happening kid. After eating tacos, she's in the kitchen making herself cereal. I don't care if you want to be a pig...go ahead. She fixed herself a bowl and headed to her room. I looked in her direction then looked at DH and said,"Did she just take that up to her room?" He said,"Yeah I think she did." I told him she's not allowed to have food in her room. All I get is, "I really don't want to have a confrontation tonight please." There won't be one. Tell her she's not allowed and she knows this! I was not about to go say anything to her. Whatever...he wants to clean her mess up, he can do it. I am sure he's letting it slide because she was supposedly "sick" this morning and couldn't go to school. Funny...she's been fine ALL DAY! Later on she came down in the kitchen (no dirty dishes in hand...imagine that) and is making her meow noise and hugs DH and tells him she loves him. I think my eyes are sprained from rolling them so hard. I looked at DH and asked him to hold my puppy while I got something. She stuck her arms out to take him from me and I just bypassed her and handed the puppy to DH. DH was getting ready to hand my puppy to her so I just grabbed him and continued doing what I was doing. We come upstairs and she's burning incense in her room. Ummmm NO! That's all I need is for the house to get burned to the ground. I told DH to get in her room and tell her to put it out! He thinks it's no big deal of course. Guess I better go sleep in the car....