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My renewed faith in dh...

princessmofo's picture

My youngest bio 7 was sick with a stomach bug this weekend. It was a nasty one. The projectile vomiting started around 3 a.m. Sunday morning. BS woke me up knocking on the bedroom door to tell me he had gotten sick, all over his bed. So I got up and cleaned him up and soothed him. Proceeded to clean up all the vomit and pretreat sheets and bedding and put them in the washer.

I didn't bother to wake up dh. I handled it. It isn't my first rodeo and I have a very high "ick" tolerance. After I got BS and I settled it was almost 5 a.m. and with the time change that made it 6. I went back to bed til 8 but was exhausted all day. BS was sick again several other times on Sunday. He was running a fever and couldn't keep anything down. He was pale and I was getting worried.

I decided at bedtime that I would put BS to sleep on the couch and I would sleep on the floor to keep an eye on him. BS's bedroom floor had to be steam cleaned and was still damp. Dh assures me he will be fine, to go to bed. Dh says, "we will keep our door open" so as to hear everything. BS falls asleep and dh tells me to go to bed, he'll be right up after he locks up and finishes his show.

So I roll over a few hours later and no dh. I walk out into the living room and he's asleep on the floor next to my BS holding his hand. He stayed with him all night, sleeping on the floor. I didn't have the heart to wake him.

It really made me rethink some things this morning... I'm proud of dh. He is a decent guy and a decent father. And he's good to my bios and has stepped into the role of "father" for my bios, seeing as their own father is a ghost with zero involvement. It renewed my faith in him. I need to stop busting his balls over stuff he can't control, like twat waffle...


princessmofo's picture

I was really moved by it. And I am not a crier. But I snuffled a bit and got misty. It's more than my son's bio dad ever did for him.

Unfreakingreal's picture

That is a great story and your DH is awesome for that. The real winner here though is BS, because that hand being held while he was feeling sick, was exactly what he needed to get him thru the night. Congrats!

Jsmom's picture

That is a good dad. Unfortunately, we do take out on them our frustration with BM and these kids. I have to remember as well that he can not control them. I am getting better at it, but after 10 years, you would think it would be easier. His answer to me is either, "All roads lead to DH's first name" or " I can not divorce her again". That actually helps me....