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Lost: Updated

young_stepmomma25's picture

So now I'm at my mother's house, prenatal appointment canceled due to MLK Day (oops forgot!) and the ultimate turmoil unfolded just hours ago. My fiance's brother came to my mother's house to get the keys to our house to take kids (Ss12 & SD14) home because their aunt kicked my fiance's daughter out (she's 14 going on 30 in her mind) for being disrespectful to her. That I truly believe because she is very boisterous and rebellious. So I called my fiance and asked him did he know all of this is now spilling over to my mom's house, making things look totally out of control. Now I'm gonna hear the disapproval of my life's choices from my mother because of all this. Of course my fiance didn't know what to say to me because that's how he is. Well, his brother is going to take them our house to mind them until he comes back home from work or until I come back home, which now, I'm dreading. I really feel for my unborn twins now. Feel like I messed up big time. No turning back now, I guess...

SM with BM from hell's picture

I have 2 year old twins. I also recommend keeping them on the same schedule. If one eats, the other eats, one awake, wake the other. Even if one doesn't eat as much as the other, feed them, it eventually balances out where they are on the same schedule. It's important to have them on the same schedule otherwise you'll be feeding and watching an awake baby all day.

Evil stepmonster's picture

I'm confused, but I don't know the back story. Why did the aunt have your SD? And where is there mother? Why is the brother doing all of this when the father of these children should be doing it? And why are you just letting it all happen? If you're about to give birth you have to set some rules and boundaries or you. will. go. mad!