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Over stepping SIL.. Also posted in my blog

MidwestStepmom's picture

My SIL has been over stepping lately and it's driving me nuts. I just wanted to share her inappropriate behavior and maybe someone will get a good laugh.

They came to spend the night at my house before heading off to her relatives for the weekend. She wanted to being her dog with and keep it at my house the entire time. This dog is about 70 pounds. I expressed my dislike and said he would have to stay in the garage the entire time. She then proceeded to ask that the dog stays in the house while dh and I are at work. Um, no! I have a 5 pound dog that I do not allow in my house when I am not here. My dog has a large kennel in the garage.

Her toddler started to cry while she was holding her but she needed to use the restroom. She made my husband hand our newborn off to another person (teenage boy that never held a baby before) so he could take her toddler that was capable of standing.

When I was released from the hospital after having my baby she came to visit. Her toddler likes to be swung while trying to fall asleep. She needed to head off and do something, so she asked me to hold her. I had to decline and she got mad. I had a C section and was told not to life more then my own baby.

When I had a meet n greet for my newborn, she blurted out a very inappropriate question. She asked is I requested a c section to keep my who-ha tight.

She is upset that we can bring her oldest back from grandmas when we go to visit. We will be picking up SS and taking a family vacation. We are driving, in a car, and it will take 2 days there and 2 days back. We already have dh, myself, BS and SS.... And don't forget about the 5 pound dog. There's no way I would bring another person with.

MidwestStepmom's picture

I've been getting better at shutting her down. We didn't allow her dog to come and we will bringing her oldest on vacation with us.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Wow...this woman needs a good shaking if you ask me. While shaking her you should ask WTF is wrong with you??
I would never impose my dogs on someone who didn't like big dogs. I love my kids, they are my world but I am smart enough to know that they are not anyone elses world, to ask your hubby to put down his child to coddle hers was a bitch move, but he should have said no, just put her down, she won't die I promise.

SMof2Girls's picture

I would find ways to limit visits with her to occur OUTSIDE of your home. I wouldn't allow her back in my home for a good long while. Hell, I'd probably ignore her when I did see her.

MidwestStepmom's picture

It's a good thing my SIL and I live 5 hours apart. We see each other about once every two months.

At Thanksgiving her oldest asked where his birthday present was. We never buy birthday presents for anyone, so this came out of left field. Before I was able to answer, she stepped in and said maybe we will have one at Christmas. So along comes Christmas and her oldest again asks where his birthday gift is. I had to explain to him that we don't buy birthday gifts. They never buy for ss and I'm sure they won't buy for BS. If my ss or bs ever pestered someone about a gift, I would take them into another room and have a stern talking to them. It's just rude.

After reading everything I wrote and responses, I think I need to distance myself and not care.