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This is NOT a pity party -- it's just a plain old party for me!

Mercury's picture

Dirol I am going to spend the day alone tomorrow. Pj's, Netflix, wine, and chocolate!! Woot!

Why will I be alone? Because DH is taking his kids to his parents' house. Why am I not going with them?

Because MIL is a cunt. BM is a cunt. SD is a mini-cunt.

I swear, I hate what step life has done to me. If anyone who didn't know me saw me say those things, they would probably think that *I'm* the one who can't play nice. That's certainly what I would think if I saw someone who couldn't get along with that many other women in her life.

The truth is, I have a wonderful relationship with my mother and sisters. I have wonderful relationships with my girlfriends. Hell, I was even an unknowing "mistress" once and the other woman and I worked together to BURY that guy for being such a fucktard. I adore strong women, real women, women who walk through life with dignity and grace. These three twats are miles from that.

If I think about it too much, I start to wonder if I'm crazy. I honestly have NEVER met anyone like these people in my life. Or if I have, I've cut them off emotionally from the very beginning. The worst part about step life for me is watching DH deal with their dysfunction. Why does he even bother? He's too normal for them, and that's really saying something as he has his own special issues to deal with.

So alone it is.

I have a single mom friend who is having a party at her house so I could go to that but then I'd have to put a bra on. And makeup. No thank you. Blum 3


learningallthetime's picture

My Xmas day plans are similar! BS goes to ex tonight, he has been here a week. Then BS and my parents are here for NY, so Xmas will be me, myself and I doing whatever the hell I feel like! I cannot wait.

Only thing upsetting me right now is even with Xmas and presents BS does not seem to want to go to dads, so I have been bigging up the excitement for him. He threatened to hide when ex gets here. My ex called last night calling me all kinds of names, for no apparent reason...he really has no idea how much I try and make BS positive towards his ass. Maybe I should start saying what I really think! Oh, and BS overheard dad calling me names before I could hang up (even though I told him BS was right there, he continued), does not do himself any favors.

Raggles's picture

I want to spend christmas alone with my biodaughter as we have always done. Big mistake i made trying for a blended family. I am so unhappy

asgoodasitgets's picture

Lucky! I long for the days when I was not forced to spend time with people I loathe and watch my so-called husband act like a dish rag by cow - towing to these bitches! I just want to stay at home, relax, cuddle with my dog and eat junk food. Is that too much to ask for on Christmas for fuck's sake?!