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Agitated and Agrivated!

jlynn1986's picture

So...first blog, this should be interesting! Well I am a BM of two adorable little boys ages eight and two. They are my world! I also was blessed with three step children almost 9 years ago when my husband and I were married. And to go on and throw this in there my husband has had full custody of the children since 2003. So long story short I have had my highs and lows being a SM. Some days are easy and some are just plain awful, and here lately, there has been a lot more of the awful. The kids BM only has something to do with the children when she finds it convenient which it usually once a month if that. She has been in and out of jail for drug use and has never been a mother (well my opinion of a mother). I guess I am just so tired of the kids putting this women on a pedestal like she is a saint....and before you bash me I do completely understand that she is their mother and she will always be their mother regardless of what she has done or what she will do....they will always love her. But my question is when do I get the respect and love that they give her? After all I am the one that has been there doing everything she should have been doing! And yes I hate that I feel this way! I hate to sound so selfish! But damn it....where is my pedestal?? But there are so many other factors about this woman that makes me literally want to choke her, and I do not condone physical violence! But I just need a place to vent...Please don't judge me too harshly!


dogtac69's picture

I am kind of in the same situation. I have a DD10 and a SD8. SD's BM disappeared completely about 6 years ago. We have no idea where she is. So, basically, I am the only Mother SD8 had ever known. And although SD8 never has known BM, she still misses BM. Weird. You will need a lot of patience. One day the SKs will come around. In the meantime, make certain that they show you the proper amount of respect.

ltman's picture

Even adopteds from birth want to know their missing parents. It's weird. Never quite fitting in.

I have always loved to hear a woman with a deep whisky voice. No one I knew IRL had it. And then I spoke to my bm for the only time when I was 45. She has that voice.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Wow. This was helpful to me TOG. I am always stunned when my SD jumps back on the my mom is great band wagon. Jail, stabbing etc and she still jumps any time the mom gets back in her life. Sigh.

Custody was taken away and since then, the BM is calling more. So now that she is visiting her Grandma and the BM lives there, she is all a flutter. We explained to her that gma is is charge, not BM. So if gma says no to going alone to the mall with BM, then you can't go. She got mad and said, she is still my mom so I will do what she says. We thought of not sending her, but gma said she will handle it.

Kids really do want thier mom more than anybody else. So now I get to do all the hard work and get not of the credit. Fun times.

jlynn1986's picture

I guess for me it is just so frustrating trying to figure out where i fit in. My skids are 19,16, and 13. When my husband and i married the oldest was 9. And now her and her bm are more or less best isnt a mother/dsughter relationship. But i suppose this is because she doesnt know how to be a mother idk?!?! I know that i am being petty but it hurts my feelings to know that i put in all the work and get no credit. Now i rarely speak to my sd because she 'hangs out' with her bm. And if we do speak it is bc i call or text her. Of course the other two children still live with us and she will cone and get them when they call and ask her to, which is once a month or so. But she does nothing for them on a daily basis. Imo a mother is someone is always there and puts her kids first and this is something she doesnt do. And i cant continue to rant and rave on and on about it but it doesnt do any good. Now i feel that it is causing issues with my husband and i and even making my patients with my kids almost nonexistent because of the disrespect i recieve from my ssons.

ltman's picture

Do not expect any type of gratitude or acknowledgement it is rarely in a skid's heart or mind. If you do get some kind of overture look first to see what kind of strings are attached.

Bitter? Me? Nope, just a realist.

jlynn1986's picture
