Something really great came out of some craziness
Let me just start off by saying that my oldest step son just told me this morning as I was leaving for work that he loved me! Yeah!!! I always tell him & his brother that I love him, 6yr old will say he loves me back but 9 y/o never does. DH asked him once don't you love step mom & he said I do, but you know... so DH left it at that. Which is fine I don't want him to feel forced.
Now the craziness as to why they were at our house on Monday am. One of my complaints out BM is that she never stays home on weekends with the kids & is either dragging them 1/1/2 hours away to BF or he & his 3 kids are at her house. The boys never have time to themselves with mom on the weekends and it is affecting them. They however would never tell their mom that & we are afriad to because she would be very hostile.
So this weekend, despite it be -20 degrees where she is they drive up to BF house. ( Now here is the really good part that she keeps secret. BF drives down from his house & parks his car at BM, loads up the boys then drives to exGF house( about 15 min away to p/u 11 mo old son and then drives back up to the town he lives in where his ex wife lives & picks up 2 kids from that marriage.) To me this is sort of nuts, but okay. So on Saturday ex notices that there is something wrong with her van, but doesn't do anything. Sunday she ends up having to have it towed at at 4pm calls us to see if we could keep boys overnight & take to school today. DH says sure, when will you be here. She says 7:30 that BF brother is driving her down & in the am they will drive back. She then calls back to say it will be closer to 8:30 ish 9pm. These kids are 6 & 9 & should be in bed on school night by then. They also need to take showers before then. So 9 pm they show up, DH is pretty mad by now because WTF it is -20 & his kids should be showered & in bed by now. We both are going to be late to work because we work at 7 am ( BM works at 8:30 ) These kids are going to have to be up really early and will have to shower & dry hair ( they didn't take shower on Sunday so skipping is not an option) and have breakfast. BTW it really was WF driving brother's truck that drove down with her.
I told him, whatever you do don't argue Just get the kids in & get her on her way. He does tell her that you know you could have asked me when you called at 4 pm to come & get the kids & you & we would have gotten you all home before now. She got kind of defensive( I could hear her from where I was)that she didn't think of that & well she could have kept kids up there & out of school today. Not sure what that would mean except DH gets kids after school & if they don't have school he misses out on his time.
So as we are giving kids milk & cookies & getting them into jammies this is where DH learns of the parking at BM situation & that BF ex wife picks up her kids at 7:30 so they couldn't & don't leave till then & that they had to drop off baby before she brought the boys to us.
So does anyone else think this kind of deal every Sunday night when she has kids is kind of nuts? We figure no wonder 6 y/o has hard time consentrating in school monday am.
I did tell DH to not get into it with her, even though we feel like babysitters some times, because she was kind of at the mercy of BF & we have no idea how that relationship dynamic works. Don't want to know either.
I do think she was in a bind, but sometimes I feel like we get taken for granted or are not appreciated because we are more homebodies. We actually never left the house all weekend & snuggeled up & watched 6 Feet Under all weekend. We figure with the baby coming we are not going to have many weekend where we do nothing but hang out & goof off with each other. It was absolutely awesome. We are so lucky that we have yet to ever get tired of each other's company.
- sweetthing's blog
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Good for you.
I never thought 4 girls between 9 & 16 would come into my life. In the begining the youngest would never let me even touch her shoulder. She always pulled away. Now, she will snuggle under a blanket with me while watching T.V.
The oldest didn't come here for a year, because she believed the bullsh@t her Mother told her about me. Now, she has spent 5 nights with us since Christmas.
It's definately a warm and fuzzy feeling. Kids truly want stablity.
They crave it and need it.
Life at the BM's house is crazy for our girls. BM too has a new boyfriend that lives almost 2 hours north of her. So now she is rarely home on the weekends. The BM's brother and his girlfriend live with the girls as well. It's caos. No wonder why they are not well behaved at their home and they stuggle in school.
Congrats on a new bonding moment!
That just sounds crazy....
Why haul all those kids all over the place like that? I'm with you, my dh and I are more homebodies than bm, and we too get taken for granted, and go without a thanks. BM always has cars breaking down, or she doesn't know how to manage her time, so we end up picking up her slack. I have some bitterness myself right now about being taken for granted.
I personally don't know why your ss's need to go with her bf to two different locations to pick up kids...why can't bm do her thing, and bf do his thing, and then they meet at their house to spend time together? Why drag the kids all over like that?
And I'm with you on the whole scheduling thing, our bm lets her kids go to bed whenever they want even on school nights, so when my ss lives over here, he thinks he can argue with me on when to shower, and when to go to bed....but he nevers wins that with us.
Maybe since your dh said something, maybe she will think about it next time...
Oh yeah...congrat's on the lovin'...doesn't it feel great?!
Can someone grab my head from spinning....
I mean, reading that was confusing for me! LOL...
I wonder why it's necessary for BM to have to accompany her BF to the pick up/ drop off? I mean, there's kids involved. It's one thing if it's just them, but when you have that many kids in tow... geeshh... is there enough room in the car?!!?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I know it's just goofy
However the BF has a compact & she has a mini van. I don't get why he doesn't p/u his own kids & meet up. If I were his ex GF who he says was trying to trap him by getting pregnant I would be hard pressed to have had him & his new GF picking up my brand new baby.
DH said yesterday why doesn't he just have BM pick up baby on her way up. I told him let's rethink this, if the roles were reverse would you? He's like hell no! Exactly. Besides he broke up with this girl when she was pregnant so if his ex wife isn't bitter this one probably is.
We sort of got a thank you for last night & today. More of a detail of what was wrong with the car. She then offered to p/u boys after school, which is irritating. We have them from after school to 5:30 per our decree. ( they go to Ycare for about 1/2 today after school) Besides DH told her yesterday instead of her picking them up we would drop them off because we were going grocery shopping tonight which is near her house. I can't figure out how dropping your kids off at bed time & having us both be late for work so we can get the kids off to school should constitute you eliminating DH's time with his children.
I know it could be way worse it just gets old having her think she is better than us or doing us a favor.
Her next Saturday she has to work..( which sucks & she is not happy & rightfully so) She told DH he could either have them or she would ask his parents ( who we don't speak to) to take them. We said we would take them. Here's the funny part, she told DH this was not a favor. WTF does that mean? We don't know. However we have no idea what time she is dropping them off ( before 8am we are thinking) or picking them up. Is she doing us a favor by letting us see the kids on her weekend or are we doing her a favor by taking care of them.
To me we are making the boy's lives easier because they get to hang out at home & just do kid stuff. Play games, hange out & relax. Why does it have to be viewed as favor or not.