So funny, had to share, (BM losing her grip of control)
So BM has been accusing my boyfriend of not answering the house phone. THAT is a story in and of itself, but my boyfriend has asked her twice if she wants to make a CALL SCHEDULE, he sent this email:
"I am not stopping you from talking to the kids. Having a expected set time for phone calls would make it easier to make sure the kids are free to talk, and it can be planned around. As it is now, not knowing what days and times you are going to call to speak with them, the kids are unable to do things with friends and family for fear that they will miss your phone call. I want the kids to be happy and have fun with friends and family as well as be able to talk to both of their parents on the other parents time as I'm sure you do too."
BM responded with THIS email:
"I call the kids every night at 7:30 p.m. The kids are not afraid nor are they in fear of me being upset at them or with them because they may or may not miss my call. I have never got upset with the kids over anything of the sort. The kids think nothing of me calling or not calling, just as they don't notice that you don't bother to call them at all on my weekends with them.
Here's your schedule:
(BOLDED)When you have the kids(BOLDED): I am going to continue to call the kids at 7:30 p.m. every night. Therefore, tonight I will call at 7:30. Please have the ringer turned on.
(BOLDED)When I have the kids(BOLDED): You can call at 7:30 p.m."
(um no BM we are not going to wait by the phone EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for you to call your kids,.... AND NO BM you have not been calling every night at 7:30pm,....but we won't even address that issue,....
And I love that BM also got
And I love that BM also got that "fear of missing your call" -which actually means they want to talk to her
SHE took as the kids are scared of her yelling at them...
then she had to accuse HIM of never calling the kids too,....which simply isn;t true-
SHE is once again self -projecting and SAYING other people are doing EXACTLY what she is doing- SHE turns ringers off and powers down phones so their dad can;t talk to the kids
Idk. Seems like your bf asked
Idk. Seems like your bf asked her for a schedule and she gave one...
Ok--what happens when the
Ok--what happens when the kids are waiting around for a 7:30 call, and 7:30 comes and goes, and there's radio silence from bm? How long do you make the kids sit and wait? I ask because we had the same issue, bm demands a time to speak with the kids, they wait and then nothing. A whole week goes by, and its the same process. Then you let them go back to their own routine and three weeks later, she calls and then is upset because they aren't there/don't answer.
How long does this continue before enough is enough?
You don't sit around and
You don't sit around and wait. You just get in the routine of expecting a call. You don't put your life on hold, if you are out doing something you can answer or when you are done call back. I have a set schedule with my exH for the kids. YES! It is a pain in the ass to have my phone ring every single night at 645, but I just hand the phone to one of the kids, they talk for maybe 2 minutes and give the phone back.
This is only a big deal if you make it. She can put it in a court order to have scheduled phone times. She can even have it put in an order for video chat times, so unless you want to see her face on your ipad/phone at night, this is not one hill I would die on....
And DOCUMENT. Keep this and
And DOCUMENT. Keep this and all emails related to this issue. Then document whether or not she calls and how long they talk (you never know what you might need and too much info is better than not enough).
DH's Court Order (he is
DH's Court Order (he is custodial) allows for BM to call between 7-8 pm on Mon and Wednesdays. The way it's written, it could be interpretted as they get a one hour call that begins at 7 and ends at 8 or that she may call between 7 and 8.
This has been in effect for about a year now and it has evolved a bit to where SS13 usually just calls her around 7 oclock.
It used to be that BM would call, then text, then threaten, then text - all befor 7:05. On the occasions that DH would inform her that SS is out with friends, at his grandma's/ cousins or whatever, she would go file police reports.
Typically the calls last less than 5 minutes.
I think it's funny! I find it
I think it's funny! I find it hilarious how crazy BM's pick something little and go on a crazy rant about it lol oh, and of course she had to say she ALWAYS calls the same time every night *wink wink* *roll eyes* haha
I didn't include BM's email
I didn't include BM's email that caused my boyfriend to send this one asking if she wanted a schedule.
She went on and on about how he was hurting the kids, that she had called three days in a row, (which is a lie, we were actually home and she didn't call) The email would have been damaging evidence in court had he not responded with something.
She has called before when the kids were home alone, and the kids chose not to answer (we documented that) and she blew up his phone one night during a funeral about a month ago too.
She is picking, on her own what night she wants to call, not telling anyone, and getting upset if no one is home to answer the phone... And she has not been calling at 7:30pm every night.... We have her Previous emails stating she called at X time and we didn't answer.... She has called as early at 5:30pm and as late as 8:25 pm
Why is this funny? He wanted
Why is this funny? He wanted a time for calls and she gave him one. :?
To be honest it sounds like both of them are in a contest to see who can be the biggest jackass.
He could have ended the email after the second sentence. The rest was a passive aggressive jab at her. Not only did she respond to the time issue, but she dealt with the jab as well.
I don't think you got the
I don't think you got the best of her at all. Actually, It seems like he wants to stir things up for attention.
You should disengage and not get involved in this at all.
She has a clear, reasonable schedule a monkey could understand.
I would caution DH not to interfere with the phone calls or start PAS'ing the kids. Don't push her buttons with comments like:
the kids are afraid to miss your call
the kids are missing time with their friends waiting for your call
Every now and again these
Every now and again these bitches need a passive aggressive jab.
Nutso BM used to call every 2hrs. God forbid we didn't answer the phone.
In our case it is true- to the point that BM have SDthen10 a blackberry. She promptly lost it, BM raged on DH about it. (he told her to get her head out of her ass)
I saw it myself when skid was here once and DH went to bed, SD and i stayed up and finished a movie. She freaked, anxiety and hyperventilating when she realized DH was sleeping and she couldn't check in with Mommmmmyyyyyy. She calmed down when I gave her my phone to call, then the poor kid had to sit through the 3rd degree about who, what, where, why.
Next morning we saw that there was 4 missed calls from the freakshow. Please bear in mind- SD called BM at like 7:30, said "We are watching a movie, then going to bed." Missed calls were between 8:30-10:00...
She is now 13, stb 14, and is is still so dependent its pathetic.
Wow, BM calls every day to
Wow, BM calls every day to talk to the skids? My SD was just with us for 2 weeks and BM called I think a total of 2 times.
Anyway, I think the scheduled calling is good but at the same time, don't sit and wait for the call. I would go about my normal life- if you are there when she calls, fine. If you have something to do, fine. She gets her time with the skids. Your bf's skid time should not be spent waiting for BM to call.
We both have read BIFF book
We both have read BIFF book but still refining responses.... Guess the imply of the kids missing phone calls did trigger something in her,..... God it's walking on egg shells
I think your BF got the exact
I think your BF got the exact response he was asking for. He asked for a schedule, she gave him one. He threw in a few little passive aggressive jabs, and got some back from BM.
I'm not sure why any of this is funny to you .. it just seems really petty.
I still think the whole
I still think the whole "calling" is bs across the board!