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Evil Dreams

eyes2blue68's picture

Wednesday night I had the strangest dream. I dreamed that my husband's 2nd ex-wife got a divorce from her 4th husband! It was so real I woke up in a panic. The stepchildren were telling me what happened, etc. and my worry mode kicked in in the dream. So I had to ask my husband today if his 2nd ex-wife ever did divorce her husband would he take her back as she was the longest marriage he had (18 years). There's a lot of resentment there but DH swears he would not because of how things ended and how the children have treated him since their divorce. Obviously like many bitter women who chose to end the marriage, his ex made sure to paint him out as a deadbeat dad.

Has anyone else ever had this happen? I swear my dream could've been a Lifetime television movie! I am around this woman maybe a couple times a year for the children's sakes (4 of them go with that marriage) but normally it's not my nature to wish evil things happen to people. I guess a lot of my thinking of this woman is seeing how the children show favoritism towards her at birthdays for their children and around holidays. I grow weary of seeing my DH get the leftovers of his children's time. I don't care if I miss spending time with the children but grieve it for my DH. He tells me all the time it's been so hard on him because he feels like he's lost 2 families thanks to his ex-wives. I try to remind him he has a good family now and to think of how blessed he is as his other ones robbed him blind right into bankruptcy and depleted his retirement fund because they had to be materialistic.

I hear things about this ex-wife from the children at times and I don't know who to believe. Maybe they are just playing me but I guess we'll see if there's a divorce in her future. If it plays out like my dream, it won't be pretty as she'll be begging my husband back and he'll tell her where to go, ha ha.

Most Evil's picture

LOL I had to chuckle at this. I don't know that I have dreamed this but I have questioned DH on every possible scenario to see what he would do!! So its not just you honey and thank God it is just a dream-!! I am really glad he has you after all that-!
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

vgill's picture

I also have wonderfully evil dreams like I wish we (Dh and I )could both say we were widowed instead of divorced!!LOL!!! serioulsy though it would have been easier on the kids!!!

eyes2blue68's picture

I wouldn't recommend being a widow. My first husband died when my son was 6 years old. The older my son gets, the less he remembers of his biological father. I still have my 1st set of in-laws who are his blood relatives then all the lovely stepchildren I inherited by remarrying. I used to think I wanted a LARGE family and that's still true--just not with someone else's children. My son is an only child and some days I still wish I could have a bio child with DH so he could see what it's like to be with someone and raise a child til death. My parents were married 42 years when my Dad died. Both sets of my grandparents were close to 60 years being married one one of them passed. You just don't see that anymore.

Me (41). DH (turns 54 late November). Married since May 2007. DS (9) from my 1st marriage where that husband is deceased. I have 6 grown stepchildren who do not live with us. 4 biological and 2 my DH helped raise with his 2nd wife.

donna123's picture

My husband has said to me on occasion...everything would be different if we only would have had our own child. He believed, incorrectly in my view, that having a child would solidify OUR relationship blood wise in the family. Perhaps he understood things "better than I did" but what would that mean? To have a child? A little person who is going to grow into a big person, and what do I have to offer to that new life? Besides some competition with another woman.