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Cry Wolf

TheRealMom's picture

My youngest step-daugther (9 years old) has also been displaying some really disturbing behavior. Any time that she is upset, if I touch her in any way or even brush past her - she starts crying and saying that I hurt her.

I will not stand for it. I am a good mom. How dare this kid lie and say that I would hurt her. It's to the point that I don't even want to touch her or give her a hug! Her behavior is getting worse every day. I don't know what to do. I am going to have to talk to our therapist about this. It's one thing for her to basically be a bully and ruin my peace of mind in my own home, but to lie and say that I am physically hurting her... IS NOT OK!!!

Fortunately my husband has already seen her do this with me and our oldest daughter, so he knows that truth. But god forbid that she continues to tell lies like that to any one outside of our home. It could ruin our family. I may get upset, but I would never physically hurt a child.

It feels like I can't win....


Purpleflower09's picture

Councelling or good old dicipline is all I have to say.

" Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it's still dark"-R.Tagore

misfit's picture

WOW that's gotta be rough. I'd also suggest counseling for her and FAST. If it's not just you that she's targeted with this behavior, then it might be a reaction to abuse from someone else, and she's become afraid of everyone that has the potential of getting close to her. So even though it might seem like it's directed at you, it could be someone else completely. OR it could have nothing to do with abuse at all, but simply needing attention. This is obviously a very inappropriate and scary (to say the least) way of doing it but sometimes kids don't know how else but though drama and a negative reaction.

buttercup123's picture

WEIRD. A therapist needs to get to the root of that. When kids are hurting they will do some pretty odd stuff. Get her help. It will help you too.

You know you are a good mom so just keep that in mind.

TheRealMom's picture

Thanks for the comments. I have decided to only go near her when she is in good spirits. But to not touch her in any way, in the mean time, when she is in one of her moods or is arguing with me or others. I defintely want to mention this to her our family therapist though. So it will not be ignored. She seems to look for a reason to make me out to be a bad person. I think she really is just so angry at her birthmom, that she doesnt know what to do with ehr self. Things have been good for the past week. Let's hope she doesn't go back to the old way of just being a crazed child that I don't know or recognize, as being the sweet little girl I raised.

buttercup123's picture

I hope so. Kids go through weird things because they don't know how to communicate what they are feeling or even understand what and why they feel a certain way. My SD12 is passing out all the time due to stress. Stress? She doesn't know what stress is!! Try doing my job!! Lol.

TheRealMom's picture

LOL.... buttercup123. That is hilarious! 12 year old passing out due to stress. What to life really gives her a challenge. Well everyone, lol - the good behavior is was short lived. I guess SD9 feels a sense of power by making others (particularly me) feel miserable.