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Need to Vent!

tryingnoavail's picture

First: SO, my mother, and I went to SD10 beauty pageant. At pageant she was asked whats your favorite thing to do? her response as her father is sitting in the audience with a dozen roses for her: fishing with my step father. It was public and it was meant to embarrass and hurt...I believe at least. A couple days later SO asks her did your mother help you with your question she says no. then he says you know that hurt my feelings and she goes I know. that's it no apology no nothing but "i know". then SD10 goes home and tells her mother about that. BM then calls and expects SO to tell SD that it wasn't wrong to say that. I probably should specify he never said anything as to it being right or wrong just that it hurt him. Next thing BM admits to writing other parts of her speech in the pageant and to knowing the question but not helping her with it! Yeah right BM...whatever bs you feel like feeding today.

Next: Today SO recives a message from BM "might want to spend time with daughter before you go back to work" for one he had her all of Friday and into Saturday, for two SD10 wanted to go with mother for weekend because mother was at their cottage. SO contacts BM after message and says hed like to take SD tonight only to find out she cant because she has a soccer game!!!!! SO was never informed or given a sheet about this!

Lastly, for now at least: this woman has 6 kids flipping 6. 3 with different fathers and 3 with the one shes with now. all of the first 3 don't want to be with their fathers. uhhhh is that weird or is it just me?

where do these women learn this stuff from and think its okay!?


DoubleUteeEFF's picture

I gotta think 10 is old enough.

When my SD was 3 and even into 4, she said things that hurt. She was only repeating her mother but it still hurt. And we told her it did.
She's 6 now and I can confidently say she knows better. She's already starting to see the difference in BM and DH.
She does keep the peace though. Pleases mom and dad. Not one over the other. If ever asked a one sided question (which BM does) SD always picks the middle.
"Who do you love most?" "I love everyone equally"

SD knows that BM doesn't like it that SD loves me.
So she assumed DH wouldn't like it if she loved BM's boyfriend.
Which is not the case. (He's talked to her about it and told her he wants her to have as many loving relationships as she can and that he appreciates that she cares about BF and that BF cares about her) She's told DH plenty times that she doesn't want to hurt his feelings.
That she loves everyone including BM's BF but that DH will always be her daddy.

And again. She's six years old.
At 10 and 14, your skids know way better and are just being assholes. Bet they wouldn't like it if your DH's expressed loving another child more than they loved them. (And I don't mean just love. But anything. Anything that would be hurtful to skid)