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I have had it with SS's!!!!! I don't want to deal with them anymore!!!

vgill's picture

This has been the worst week!! SS12 threw a temper tantrum because he didn't get his way so he kicked the glass door to our business and busted a $2000 dollar door, and called BM to let her know what the situation was,(SS14 has tried living with BM for the first time for the last 10 months) she told us even worse news SS14 has been having unprotected sex with his 14 year old girlfriend!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!. I told her months ago not to let them spend soo much time together and alone!! they are gone this weekend and DH and I are enoying some calm, with the rest of our 4 chldren, and everthing has been so calm and pleasant, no fighting, no back talking, no cruelty, no chaos!!! The big problem is that ss12 comes home sunday night and right now I don't want to deal with him, I wish BM would just take responsibility for her own children instead of passing the buck as she has done for the last 14 years!! I don't want to raise her children because she is to selfish to do it herself!!! All she cares about is herself and haaving the newest and best THINGS, while we take care of everything else including her two boys without CS!! I mean what kind of Mother doesn't want her own children!! But right now I don't want hers, at least for a little while!! I mean I stood back the last 4 years and tried to let them do the parenting, and everytime Dh disciplines the boys she undermines him and destroys everything he has worked for and he has given up a little too!! I don't want to have to do all the parenting anymore!!! I just feel so lost in all that is going on around me as I feel I have no say!!!!


Anon2009's picture

I think that BM needs to have her head examined. Who lets a 14-year-old have unprotected sex with his girlfriend? That is downright dangerous! I really think you all need some family and individual counseling, and I think it needs to include SS14. I think you need to take care of this ASAP. Hopefully, this can prevent SS14 from getting his GF pregnant. Do you know who her parents are? You should let them know about this, too.

vgill's picture

Her parents know and they don't care!!! her mother is just as stupid as her daughter!!! they think as long as they do it in their house and with condoms it's ok!!! like WTF how stupid can you be!!!???