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Should BioMom Call Step Kids all the time

ClaireSmith's picture

Hi have 2 stepkids. 50/50 split. When we have them at our house, the mom calls the kids to talk, and texts my husband non stop. Is this normal??? I have a kid too and I understand sharing him would be the hardest thing in the world!! But does she have to call non stop? Is this normal? Is this something I just have to accept?? We will all be sitting the living room watching tv, then she calls, takes up 20 mins of our time!! It's so frustrating!!

yoursandmine's picture

Haha thats funny. I was literally just getting all phone bills together today, I was like six months behind. The animal talk to CrazyPants one night for 81 minutes! I wonder what we were doing that we didnt even notice. 81 minutes! What the eff are you talking to an 11year old about for 81 minutes?

yoursandmine's picture

For real its not like they dont see her. Set up a specific time and day to call. Other than that time NO CALLS. Make the her in that period, most cell phones have an option right on the display to send a specific number straight to voicemail. We had to do that with GMIL phone becuase the animal wouldnt stop calling her at all. She would call ten times in an hour. It was nuts, so we changed that option and now GMIL isnt bothered by her anymore.

jumanji's picture

*I* think a quick call daily shouldn't be an issue, but it needn't be a long call. Some days may be longer, others shrter - depends on what's going on. But either parent should be able to do so, especially in a 50/50 situation. Multiple times/day or lomg calls on a consistent basis? Unecessary.

AllySkoo's picture

I don't know... we have SD17 full time (she sees her mom basically EOWE). I know she talks to her mom on her cell phone, although I'll cop to not paying any attention at all as to exactly how much they talk. (She's taken her mom's calls while we're all sitting watching TV - I just ask her to take it to another room so we can keep watching in peace.) It doesn't bother me.

I think your problem here is actually your DH. You feel like BM is intruding in your home with all the calls, and he's not listening to you. I think you guys need to talk about what your expectations are and get on the same page.

kontan's picture

BM calls/texts skids often. She will get highly irritated if they do not respond and she will ask if DH has told them not to take her calls or respond...or she will ask the other if they got their phone taken away. Ss10 has a 9:15 curfew on his phone and SD14 has a 10:30 cut off time. (The phone engages restrictions then.) BM has something to say (in text to sd14) every night b/c of it. She "can't talk to him because of restrictions dad has set." Why she can't call before bedtime is beyond my understanding. His bedtime is 9 and we were tired of him staying up texting his bm until 10 or 10:30, or playing a game, then coming to our room saying he couldn't sleep, wanted a drink, etc...(YOUR 10, get your own drink- or don't b/c you still wet the freakin bed- and if you can't sleep relax until you can!)

I digress...BM calls/texts all the time too and it sometimes interrupts. The biggest issue is her checking to see who picked up the kids or to keep tabs on BH.

JAMS2011's picture

It is sad that there has to be limitations but on this sort of thing but if you don't set guidelines and boundaries, sadly, some adults will abuse it. If your child had a girlfriend or boyfriend who called all the time during family time you would set restrictions on that. It is no different. I mean its a little different but not much different. People spend too much time on their phones! And it's not like you blow up the kid when the kid isn't at your house. Almost every custody agreement I have ever seen says "within reason" when it comes to communication.