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Who owes me a Mother's Day gift?

zerostepdrama's picture

BS is 8 so he can't buy me a gift. Since his dad never made a big deal about it before we split, I dont think BS would have thought to ask Ex to take him to buy a gift. (I was with Ex up until right before BS turned 5.)

Ex of course isnt going to buy me a gift, after all he is my Ex. And he owes me almost $9000 in CS. He sure in hell isnt going to spend his money on me.. the woman who does 99% of the care of his son. Wink LOL I am being funny as I dont expect anything from him.....

My DH... I am not the mother of his children... I dont even have a relationship with his children. So he couldnt even honor me as a SM. And plus I dont even think he did much for BM when they were married.

So here I am on Mother's Day... doing what I do any other any day Smile DH didnt make a big deal about it. I think BS is still too young to make a big deal about it.

Now DH did buy me some alcohol that I asked for and we did cook out. BS drew me a picture. He was with his dad over the weekend until this morning. His dad's friend dropped him off. They went to the gas station first and HIS DAD'S FRIEND who I never met (Ex was with them), paid for some lollipop sucker bouquet for BS to give me for Mother's Day. I thought that was pretty nice.

I hope everyone else had a great Mothers Day Smile

Of course the subject of this post is hypothetical. Its just that since I am not with Ex I dont get a gift. And since I am not the mother of my DH's children I get nothing. LOL I guess I will wait and appreciate when BS is older and understands more Smile he did give me lots of kisses and hugs and that means more then anything else.


zerostepdrama's picture

For my DH I always have my BS do something for him. After all he lives in the house full time and DH is somewhat of a father figure to him. (long story and kind of complicated right now). For the skids, I dont do anything. They are old enough to do on their own, plus I dont have a relationship with them.

zerostepdrama's picture

I think my mom expects that DH should do something. To her, that would be the right thing to do.

SMto2's picture

I really think your DH should help your DS buy you a Mother's Day gift. DH and I were together a few years before we had a child together. During that time, I always helped SSs (who were 3 and 5 when DH and I married) get a gift for DH for Father's Day. It was sometimes tricky because we only had them EOW, which didn't leave a lot of time for shopping. I'd usually talk with them about what they'd like to get their dad, such as a shirt, mug, etc., and then I'd shop for it and show it to them. Besides that, I ALWAYS bought my DH a Father's Day gift.

Interesting aside, however. Before DH and I had our bios, he NEVER helped SSs buy me a Mother's Day gift or recognized me IN ANY WAY on Mother's Day. (I did not hear from either of my SSs for Mother's Day, nor did I really expect to, as I know that even though we are on decent terms after 15 years of me being their SM, they don't consider me their "mother," and BM would be livid if they did anything for me.)

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I think your DH should have at least given you a card and perhaps some flowers. I actually think it's in very poor taste that he did not. You are a SM are you not?

A few years ago my DH didn't acknowledge Mother's Day. I told him that I felt really unappreciated and that he should have at least given me a card. I told him HIS mother is not my mom, yet I still buy and send her Mother's Day cards and gift to her.

I would always make a big deal out of Father's Day for him and have presents to him from his boys (who are my skids). That year I ignored Father's Day and did nothing and of course his kids got him nothing, because they didn't give a rats ass because I always took care of it. Anyway, he saw how it felt and he tries to be more attentive now.

Sorry you didn't get at least a card. Sad

zerostepdrama's picture

I dont have any relationship with the skids. (minor relationship with SS). So I guess he doesn't really see me as a "SM" but I dont either myself.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yes he did make a picture which was very nice.

I guess I just expected DH to come together with BS and think or do something, anything. Even if it was like hey let's clean the house for mom or do the laundry or something.

zerostepdrama's picture

He's going through something with BS... I think that is part of the reason.. but thinking back prior years he hasnt really involved BS in anything for Mother's Day.