SO doesn't make SD8 learn about responsibility
We have 50/50 of SD8, BM lives 30 minutes away and that is where SD8 attends school. So on the weeks she is with us SO drives her 30 minutes in the opposite direction of work because BM wants her to stay in that school. I honestly don't care about that because I'm not the one driving. However this morning SO calls me and says SD8 left her bookbag at home and she is crying and he can't be late for work and will I leave my work, drive home, get her bookbag and drive the 30 minutes to take it to her at school. I said no. She was up playing and goofing off for over an hour before they left and her one job is to grab her bookbag on the way out the door. I said it sucks but I bet she doesn't forget it again. He's mad, SD8 was in the background crying because I wouldn't bring it to her. WTF! My BD11 has forgotten stuff before and I don't leave work to take it to her, she learned a lesson and doesn't forget her crap the next time!
She is at that age where she
She is at that age where she should be learning responsibility but it is also up to the parent to teach it to her. Your SO should have made sure she had it with her when they left.
Definitely not your problem.
Exactly! I hate she is
Exactly! I hate she is crying and going to have a bad day but like you said it is just not my problem!
How did he not notice that
How did he not notice that the kid didn't have her book bag? :?
I don't blame you one bit for not going to get it.
SD8 is the most annoying,
SD8 is the most annoying, hyper, little brat you can imagine and my guess is that she was bouncing off the walls as usual and he said let's go and he just walked out and didn't see it because even though he won't admit it, she frazzles his nerves. And now that I am disengaging and not allowing her even in my bedroom in the mornings I leave for work happy and calm and he doesn't LOL
Oh yeah he is on his own
Oh yeah he is on his own tonight as far as being in a bad mood or SD8 to be a whiny brat. My BD11 has scouts and I usually just drop her off and come home, not tonight! I'm going to take my book and just sit in the car and have that hour of peace. He can sit and listen to her yell DAAAAAADDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY without me!
As it should be! It's not
As it should be!
It's not bad for kids (and dads) to get natural consequences. Enjoy your hour alone.
wow! so HE cant be late to
wow! so HE cant be late to work but yet expects YOU to LEAVE your work and do it for HIS daughter??? wow!!!!!! the audacity there is stunning!
I bet he would have been mad
I bet he would have been mad if I asked him to leave his work and do something like that for my BD11. Poor little SD8 will just have to be without her bookbag. The funny thing is I didn't forget the bookbag, yet somehow because I wouldn't leave work this is going to be all my fault and when she goes back to BM she will run her mouth that it's my fault too LOL
I wouldn't take any crap from
I wouldn't take any crap from him about this. Jump right back at him and make it clear that its his job to see that she's ready for school. This is exactly what disengagement is about and I can take that one step further. If you saw her walking out without the bag its entirely appropriate for you to say something or nothing.
Like Sgt. Schultz in that old TV show 'Stalag 17' a WWII prison camp "I see nutting".