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New App for Teens...Yik Yak

Jsmom's picture

Well while waiting for BS19 to get his wisdom teeth pulled, he goes on this app. Apparently it was designed to put anonymous tweets out there about people. You can only pick up the messages about people in your area. It works with your GPS. It was designed by a kid at his engineering school, so they all have it. I had heard about it at a conference last week where the Twitter Founder spoke.

Also, I was on Twitter last week, checking on my SD and tweets for this conference. I have defriended her on Facebook and Twitter at least gives me insight so I don't fall victim to her crap again with DH. Long ugly story....

She had asked on Twitter if anyone had seen this app and who did these people think the are. Fast forward to this morning and my son is checking it since he is bored in the office and shows me the page on his phone. You can everyone within a mile or two of you and what people are saying. He sees one and then clicks on her and there are about 10 of these posts. Basically calling her a slut and they would "do" her. She parties hard and give great.... Not nice, but the one that ticked me off is the one saying her brother is a douche. So help me, I get so angry that this girl has ruined her reputation, but her brothers are good kids. My SS15 has to ignore her at school, so I am sure it is about him.

Gotta love these apps. Between Snapchat and Vine and Twitter, these kids will do or say anything without any regrets. I can't load the app on my phone since I am blackberry and it is in the Apple world. But, if you want to see what is being said about your neighborhood teens or your own kid, download the app.

Now to figure out if I should tell DH about this new one. I probably wouldn't if they hadn't dragged my SS. I adore him and I am tired of him getting the short end of the stick, because of this girl.


Jsmom's picture

It was designed for colleges so they could bitch about the professors, but then the app went live and now it is a middle school and high school problem. Let's just say that was eye opening what others are saying about her. I tried to tell them all of this when she was in the 5th grade...

rainbow bright83's picture

That's how my SD was. and still is. She doesn't like being called a slut, but a whore is ok.