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Step-demon calls DH because she can't reach UberSkank

Shaman29's picture

Step-demon (sd14) called DH yesterday afternoon (around 4pm). She was at school and trying to get a hold of UberSkank and her grandmother to pick her up. She told DH she was only getting a busy signal, which is unusual since they both have cell phones. So we assumed service was down in their area or most likely, service was interrupted due to late payment :D. She asked DH if he would call UberSkank and her grandmother or text them because she was at school and needed a ride home.

Now we live an hour and a half away, so picking her up himself was out of the question. Plus DH is not on the list of people allowed to pick step-demon up at school (UberSkank has full legal/physical custody and has completely barred any contact outside of what's in the custody order).

So DH tries calling UberSkank and former MIL and gets the same busy signal. He texts them both and asked them to call the school. Step-demon wanted a ride home and couldn't get a hold of them. He calls step-demon back at the school and let her know he got the same busy signals on both phones, but sent texts anyway. Step-demon said okay and thanked him.

He hears nothing back until dinner time (7pm). He gets a snotty text from UberSkank telling him that step-demon is fine DH! And they are all at the table eating dinner! No thank you for trying to help, no apology if he was concerned. Just more bitchiness from usual.

Wow....sounds like UberSkank was caught dropping the ball on her motherly duties. She definitely didn't like step-demon calling her father for help. Smile


FeelinTrapped's picture

wow....haha take it as a win for you! You have to love when it gets to them that they feel the need to call and bitch. I laugh at my SD mom when she freaks out. It means she is feeling vulnerable lol

Shaman29's picture

She made a big deal about how step-demon was better off with her gender based parent, because DH is a man and I've never had children. She started this complete diatribe about how she's the better parent, practically voting herself mother of the year.

Then the judge ripped her a new one because she was indicating the judge should discriminate against DH because he was a man.

You're completely right, she was feeling vunerable because she messed up when her child needed her and DH found out about it.

It just makes me feel all warm inside. :evil:

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine