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Just wanted to introduce myself

pete1972's picture

Hi everyone, just registered and wanted to say hi... Have been visiting this site on and off now for a number of months and only now have got around to registering.
One thing I have noticed is that most of the members seem to be women? Are guys not supposed to talk about problems? Do we not have any problems?
Anyway, not gonna start a rant on my first post.. Smile
Am currently living with my partner of 3 years and her 16 year daughter. My OH has a son of 26 as well and I have two of my own, 5 and 10 so we have quite a collection...
Lots and lots of great advice on the site and lots and lots of unhappy people and families... Sometimes makes me wonder is it all worth it...
I'm sure I'll be posting plenty of problems looking for advice and generally just 'getting it off my chest'.

stuknaz's picture

Hi Pete


There are a number of guys(stepdads) on this site. Granted there are more women but there
is "Rags, Fedupstepdad, Jon-Boy and Orange County Ca" just to name some off the top of my head.

So you see you are not alone!

Looking forward to reading your story.

"And this too shall pass..."

buttercup123's picture

Welcome Pete. We like having a male perspective and think it's great that you have decided to join. There are more women (maybe we are complainers by but there are some men too. Vent away.