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When It Rains It Pours Part 2

Stick's picture

The week before my husband was supposed to come home... and I am on my way back from SD getting diagnosed with H1N1...

I get a phone call.

My 76 year old father fell off a scaffold. 6-7 feet in the air. Working on siding on a rental property he has with my sister.

Luckily the neighbor saw him and his co-worker fall off the scaffold and called 911. The ambulance took his co-worker... but my father refused to go! He hit his head, but said he was "fine".

He picked up all the scaffolding and put it away. Then he went home. He was sore for a few days!!

Thank God he's alright.

It's my mom and dad that I get this attitude of "shake it off and move on". My mom actually just says..."Go in the shower and cry it all out and then move on." and my dad is more of the "Whatever. It is what it is. Do what you can and move on."

My husband was almost home.... I was getting some info for his mediation.... my SD had H1N1 and my dad almost really got himself hurt badly!

I have been very blessed. Everything is okay now. But I have been breaking down a lot lately. Just trying to keep it all together!


Stick's picture

Hugs Katrinkle! I'm sorry to hear about your puppy! Oh how sad! It made me wince just reading about it. Poor little girlie. (both of you!!) Smile

And I can't imagine seeing someone get run over! How frightening!

** Hugs my friend!! **

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

OklanP's picture

I am sorry to hear that from you..Since it is the start of the fall flu season, there not only will be the ordinary flu, but also the H1N1 influenza strain, or the Swine Flu. Any vaccine carries risk of infection, but most likely it will protect you. The worst possible H1N1 vaccine risk is a possibility of developing GBS, or Guillain Barre Syndrome, an auto-immune condition which involves the break down of the lining of nerve cells. The odds in an H1N1 vaccine leading to GBS are about a million to one. However, the risk to already high risk patients is worth running – as the swine flu can kill. Children under 2, adults over 65, pregnant women, teenagers on an aspirin regimen, and adults that are already immunocompromised. It's worth getting quick payday loans for an H1N1 vaccine.

Stick's picture

Cruella - I so hope you are feeling better every day. How stressful to have your son ill while you are so immune -compromised. I'm sure you were exhausted, and so fearful for him - as well as for yourself.

Thank you for being such an inspiration girl!

*Hugs back to you* !

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

GiGi222's picture

Hey Stick,
I'm sorry that all of this is happening all at once, and you are definitely right, when it rains it pours!! Thank goodness that your father was okay, that could have been a potentially dangerous accident!
I hope SD gets better regarding the H1N1.

Stick's picture

Thanks Gianna! I hope you are doing well... I'm sorry I haven't been around too much lately. Smile It was so nice to see these responses. Just knowing there are others out there makes it so much better.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Stick's picture

Katrinkle, Gianna, Cruella -

Thank you so much ladies for writing! Your support means the world to me. Smile

SD is all better. My dad is doing better.

Oklan - are you giving advice, or selling something? Thanks...

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***