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Typhoid Mary Returns from Vacation

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

in the sunny south. This time when SD17 arrives to our house her chin looks like someone drug her across a gravel road. I act vaguely uninterested (disengaged), but my curiosity gets the best of me. Me: "Wow. What happened?" SD17 "Sunburn. I put aloe on it." ME: "It looks like it has gone past the aloe stage."

This large open sore on her chin can be seen from a mile away. I didn't get too close but it looks infected. I made her wash her hands and did go into quite some length (for our sakes, but made her feel like for hers) how if she touches it, picks it, she is bound to get staph and then she will have a large crescent scar later on.

Oh brother. Funny. I am not an uncaring person, and I do feel for her in the sense one feels when they say, "I wouldn't wish this on my enemy." kinda way. I did offer a quality topical antibiotic, but she knows better. I really am nervous about what she will bring into the home via her chin on Thursday.

Long list of "infected" type issues…
Parasite from cats
UTIS constantly
occasional skin conditions
Perioral dermatitis
when 8, thumb sucking rash (yes. sucked thumb at Dirol
many more miscellaneous


ltman's picture

I am of the type that can get moonburns if not careful so I've had my fair share of really nasty, skin sloughing off sunburns. So I gotta ask, how the hell does she get an infection on her chin from it?

zerostepdrama's picture

My skin is pretty sensitive. When I was with my Ex, he needed to shave. His facial hair was just long enough to be prickly. Well we had a serious make out session and from all the face rubbing (kissing??) I ended up with some peeled weird skin on my face/chin. Then it ended up scabbing up. It was AWFUL. I was in my early 20s at the time, super vain, so I was mortified. Plus it hurt like a bitch! I probably tried to put lotion or something on it and made it worse......

So maybe... she had a serious make out session with someone who needed to shave? LOL

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

OMG! You ladies are damn near as good as detectives! Funny exhustedSM about the mirror! Biggrin ! She is extremely fair skinned, reddish hair….but I figured it has to be more than just a burn and actually said the same thing to SO.
Of course, he does not want to go there and pretty much just simply shut me down.

She has in the past told her dad in front of me how she "made out with a senior" when she was in 9th grade. Must have found someone in Florida with a beard! Which takes me to another point, when I was 16, I never would have told my dad, or even my mom for that matter, that I had made out with my serious boyfriend, let alone some random senior from another school district! Attention whore.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

If it takes a glaring facial scab to take the wind out of SD's sails and affords me to have a quiet Sunday, I will take it. I guess she wasn't feeling too cocky.

DaizyDuke's picture

was the rest of her face sunburned? I have no idea how one could sunburn their chin to that extent, but not the rest of their face? I shudder to think what it really is Sad

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Kind of. Just had a red tinge like maybe it had been a little toasty, but nothing like the chin which I think will be oozing by Thursday.

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Surprised, but no more ooze at tonight's visitation. Just scabby and shiny already, so she is regaining her mojo.