BM quit her job
BM quit her job after TWO DAYS!!!
BM was laid off from her last job last fall. She's been out of work since.
Earlier this week BM sent DH a text saying she got a new job.
Fast forward to tonight, I asked SD11 how her week was. She talks about the usual, school, friends, etc.. And slips in that BM quit her job.
SD then went on to say that BM quit because all she was doing was filing and typing, and "she couldn't take it."
WTF!?!?! This is coming from the same woman who just recently said she'd be happy to have a job doing just that.
Filing AND typing?! Oh, the
Filing AND typing?! Oh, the horror! Poor, poor BM!
Was she collecting welfare,
Was she collecting welfare, food stamps and the like? I recently read that in some states one can collect more on various welfare programs than one can earn at the minimum wage. Of course even if the job paid more there is taxes to consider plus the "have to get up in the morning" factor.
We're now at the point where we are extremely close to where 50% of the population of the U.S. is collecting some sort of welfare under one name or another from the federal government. The Democratic Parts has been very successful in making people dependent on them for these hand outs thereby buying their loyalty to the party.
My stepsons' BM is doing a
My stepsons' BM is doing a bang-up job of teaching them to sit around and wait for a handout. I'm not saying everyone on welfare is like that, but good GOD that woman is a leech.
I've stressed to DH many times that he's going to have to make an extra effort to teach those boys a work ethic, because they're damn sure not going to learn it from their mother. I also try, as much as I can, to make them see how important it is to be productive, to show up to work on time every day and do your very best, and to try to contribute something to society. Nobody OWES you anything.
Trouble is, they go back to BM every other week, and all that "gimme gimme gimme" is just reinforced all over again.
There's not much I can do about it, so I don't worry about it too much. I spend more time focusing on my own kids and teaching them to do something with their lives.
Oh, FFS. Isn't she just a
Oh, FFS. Isn't she just a special snowflake!
Our BM quit her job too, but
Our BM quit her job too, but she used it as a means to file for more CS from DH.Her words "I've rearranged my entire life around being a stay-at-home mom!" something she was never asked to do..the judge was too smart for that and said 1) She hasn't proven that the children are "suffering" as she claims and 2) She hasn't proved that she's unemployed not at her own fault. That was the end of that. Not sure it's the last we'll hear from her about it, but for now it is.
My stepsons' BM does that,
My stepsons' BM does that, too. Boy does she let that "I've sacrificed EVERYTHING!" flag fly!
No. She used her reproductive organs to buy herself a dandy meal ticket, nothing more, and she's gonna ride that CS/alimony/welfare gravy train as long as possible.
According to DH when him and
According to DH when him and BM were married she worked a total of 3 days and quit because they asked her to help shovel mulch rather than stay inside with the kids - it was at a daycare.
Apparently now she works but it is for her landlord - and she will clean houses free like a day or two a month and they auto-deduct her rent from her check...and then she will only work a few other days she made around 4900 last year by working which is less than half of what DH paid in CS. I think if her landlord didn't have the deal with her she probably would live off of CS alone. Though she gets paid off a 1099 so she legit had to pay no taxes, and because she is "low income" got the Earned Income Credit and a reduced child credit all tax free. I wouldn't doubt if she made close to $20K tax free while getting free health care, food stamps, the ability to get additional food and donated clothes for free by showing a food stamp voucher, an electric bill voucher and if she wanted she could get free child care while she worked.
She has talked about going for more CS but DH has pointed out with her working that she may get a tiny bit less, and she has never taken her other baby daddy back and could actually probably get more from him...I doubt she will ever take us back unless there is a court date for something else.
My SS's BM quit her job the
My SS's BM quit her job the day that my SS entered kindergarten over 5 years ago. She couldn't "bear the thought of him not seeing" her when he goes to school and when he gets out of school. So somehow she scammed the system into giving her disability. Now, our lawyer is putting in paper work for my husband to be able to claim my SS every year on taxes because his child support is the only money supporting SS right now. Should've seen a lawyer years ago!
My husband gets to claim SS every other year and every other year he gets text messages from BM telling him how lazy and worthless he is and how he never pays for anything and how she needs the money more than him so she wants to claim him every year yet he's the one working and paying his child support. He's never been late or behind.
So she worked before
So she worked before kindergarten? She got that all backwards lol
For a while BM was trying to
For a while BM was trying to get SSI - I'm not sure if they saw through her or I screwed it up as once I found out she was even trying I filed for a false claim including text messages with her phone number at the top claiming that she was able to work but simply did not want to.
Like I said my BM only works pretty much so she has the massive amount of CS money to smoke and do whatever else she wants.
At least your BM TRIED to get
At least your BM TRIED to get a job. The BM in my life collected child support from not one, but two poor dopes. Never even attempted to LOOK for work. I mean, why should she? Must be nice, huh?
same as ours. She 'planned'
same as ours.
She 'planned' to open a spa, a hairstylist salon, a gym and a daycare. SD then tells us how whoever BM's business partner is doesn't pull their own weight, so BM backs out. I don't even hide rolling my eyes anymore.
I remember a few years ago, SD was 11 or so and she thought it was cool her mom didn't have to work and stayed home. She bragged about it. I asked her how her mom had any money? She couldn't answer and dH got mad at me. Whatever dude!! At 11 she was old enough for critical thinking.
I don't see where it even
I don't see where it even matters what BM is's really not your concern....
It matters because if this
It matters because if this goes on much further I could see her taking DH back to court for more CS (even though she already receives a hefty amount of CS from her 1st ex for SDs older 1/2 sister and the CS she receives from DH).
They quit jobs so they can
They quit jobs so they can collect more child support or keep what they have and yes, public assistance too.
Sounds like BM of my step children. Has a skill and a husband that makes over 6 figures but his income doesn't get counted and she chooses to sit around and get fatter.
Well eventually the BUBBLE will pop - more likely her ass.
I'm not sure if BM will work
I'm not sure if BM will work or not after she has her second baby. Right now she has a per diem job. She might stay home because she still lives at home with her mom, dad, and sister. I'm actually happy that BM still lives with her family. She would want more money from SO if she didn't. The thing that kind of pisses me off is that she tells everyone that SO doesn't pay for his daughter (he does pay CS). He doesn't pay much in CS, but she decided the amount. I'm waiting for the day that BM takes SO to court for child support. I'm really not sure how NYS is, but from what I understand, it's very pro mom.