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No DH the skids aren't my kids but the furbabies are!

zerostepdrama's picture

I have BS8.

DH has skids, 21, 20, 18, 14.

I have 3 cats- a girl and 2 boys.

I am lying in bed with the girl cat, reading my book. She gets allergies and needs her eyes cleaned out at times. DH comes in and mentions that she needed her eyes cleaned out and I said, okay well go and do it. And he made a comment about how I am her Mother.

So I am just being funny and am like "I know its hard being the mother of 4, especially when 3 of the them (the cats) are like newborns needing my attention all the time. But girl cat is my princess baby."

Obvious I was referring to the cats and my son as my 4 kids.

DH looks at me so serious and is like you have 4 boys and 4 girls. (my BS, his kids and the cats)

I look at him, dont say anything and then turn back to my book.

Really DH you know I dont like your kids. I have nothing to really do with them. I have never "mothered" them or been close to a mother to them.

And HOW DARE YOU compare YOUR brats to my sweet, innocent fur babies? LOL.

I am really just being funny but I thought it was so funny the comment he made. Like HELLO I dont like your kids. Give it up already.


StepKat's picture

My furbabies are my kids as well. I love my skids but they aren't mine, but my pups are. We won't be having kids of our own so my furbabies are as close as I'm going to get and I'm ok with that Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

LOL- well I dont like my skids and DH knows it. I was a little offended that he would put them in the same category as my love for my pets. HA HA

Since my BS is an only child, I too think of the cats as my other kids. LOL.

zerostepdrama's picture

My best friend says to me "If you weren't married I would be worried about you being the crazy cat lady."

Harleygurl's picture

Two biological sons, two male cat babies, 1 male dog baby, and this past Friday I had to have my 1 female cat baby put to rest (feline leukemia). My pets are not quite the same as my sons but pretty damn close! And I'm more liable to hug and love them than I do SS8 because I know their love is genuine. His is not.

Mercury's picture

My husband always tries to compare my pets to his kids: "but looook, mercury, I did this and that and such and such for the animals. I have taken care of them as of they are my own."

It makes me sick. It is a false comparison and he knows it. He uses it anyway to guilt me into liking his kids.

1. I picked my pets. Well, actually they picked me. That makes them infinitely superior to his kids.

2. My ex doesn't share custody of my pets and demand money from me "for them".

3. They are assholes but it isn't usually intentional and even when it is intentional, it's never malicious.

4. DH takes care of them because they literally attach themselves to him when I'm not home. They love him and he loves them. They are animals. It's easy to love them.

Mercury's picture

Lmao! Me too.

I recently started buying the more expensive, higher quality foods. Also in the past 6 months I've gotten new dog crates, a really cool cat tower, and a new toy every time I restock on food.

I get irked that DH gets random gifts for his daughter and she never uses them, sometimes doesn't even remove the tags/packaging. Then I realized the cats don't care much for the $200 tower I bought so I keep my mouth shut. Ha.