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KARMA's sweet kiss

Bradymom's picture

Had lunch with my son today. He's autistic. He fixates on things, so if he asks you to do something & if it's not a huge deal, you just do it, so we can move on with things... This is our conversation at lunch.

Son: "Mom you know how sometimes the iPhones link all the phones together & you get everyone's text messages?"

Me: "Yep. Happened to us a month or so ago."

Son: "Can you take a picture of this text message. There's something wrong with dad. He's taking a bunch of medications & I think they're not telling us that he's sick. Please mom? I got Stepmom & his texts."

Me: "Ok Son. But I'm sure he's ok. I take a lot of medication & I'm fine. We are just old. Haha"

Now I cannot put in the picture of the text. So i'll type it.

Dad/husband: I finally got my prescription. Ugh.
Stepmom/wife: Depakote? What?
Dad/husband: No Cealis. The doctors office denied the pharmacy request, so I called the nurse and got all pissy. So they put it through.

I told my son I would look into it, but I didn't even look at the picture with him there bc I didn't want him fixating on it, so I changed the subject.

Depakote is for bipolar. And Cealis for erectile dysfunction.

He was diagnosed while we were married with bipolar but wouldn't take the medication & he had MASSIVE E.D. Terrible. But would never get help.

We had a horrid custody battle in 2009. BOTH came up in the trial. So I find this hysterical. And I'm so glad to be FREE from him!!! I laughed about this for an hour. What's hilarious is our son, will eventually tell him he was worried about him & showed me the text & had me take a picture of it. Haha. Oh karma. What a sweet kiss you give in your own perfect timing.


RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Im going to apologize because i know this isnt the point of your post. im curious though, Did it make a difference in custody arrangements thru the court that your ex was bipolar? If it did was it because he was non compliant on the meds?

Bradymom's picture

I haven't spoke to him about it yet. As I didn't read it in front of him. But I'm thinking I will just tell him to google it on his own.