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BM remarried....or at least dating....advice?

notastepyet's picture

Can anyone tell me what your experience has been when BM starts dating and consequently gets remarried. Or at least focuses her attention on someone else instead of making our lives more complicated. Our BM seems to think all the step sons are her "man of the house".....she's emotionally dependent on them and hopes to keep them dependent on her as evidenced by her constant babying. Anyway....FDH seems to think that she might ease up on her shit when she starts seeing someone else....which is all fine and dandy but then we have the whole BMs BF in the boys life then taking a toll on FDH, you know, another man in the lives of his son's....gah. Nothing about step families is easy and the partners of the divorced couple are always the ones to bare the brunt of the bullshit. Anyway, anyone have any insight into this? At this point I would welcome her easing up on FDH but to be honest I don't think it will ever happen, and even if she does meet someone then he'll just end up having even more guilty daddy syndrome because some other man is spending more time with his kids than he is.


notastepyet's picture

BM already displays moments and weekends where she forgets she's a mom.....she's seemed to let go just slightly of her fear of her precious boys going to daddy's house and doesn't call every night they are here. She isn't even the one who drops them off and picks them up anymore, her step dad does. Rarely does she attend the boys sporting events....but she doesn't hesitate to sign them up one right after the other so we can't make any plans to do anything with the boys because their weekends consist of sports, that she doesn't come to watch anyway.....I think for a little while she will not raise a fuss if FDH wants more time because that means she will have more "alone" time with her new beau.....however as time goes on if this guy sticks around she won't want to "share" the boys with us anymore.....I hope whoever she starts dating has a bunch of kids to one crazier than crazy BM. So she can be grateful of the kind of SM I am.....and maybe appreciate it. Fat chance. Lol

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Our BM went through about 35 men before she found one dumb enough to marry her.

Beware, she is going to dump the kids off on you ALL the time so she can be free to date, travel and party.

My DH's CO says it was supposed to be 60/40 (BM 60% of the time). Well, she had so much fun living it up and being a whore that we had them 90% of the time for many, many years and she still received the entire amount of child support each month. And, to this day I resent and hate my DH for letting her stick us with the skids while she had the time of her life.

She was also getting $5,000 a month for alimony and used it to take the men she was dating on trips and cruises.

Be careful what you wish for.

simifan's picture

LOL, it didn't make a bit of difference - she was still crazy... but she was nice and reasonable throughout her whole pregnancy (all 5 of them). Go figure.