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Telling kids about child support

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Now I'm almost 100% positive if DH explained to his sons that he pays X in child support to their mom for the boys she would have a coronary, how ever I beg the question of all of you.

Is it wrong, PAS, rude....any other negative adjective you can think of, to tell step kids that their father pays support for them and explain what it is supposed to be for?

Why are parents afraid of their kids?

notastepyet's picture

This isn't totally step kid related. My brother asked me if I could watch my nephew today which I said yes but DH had to go somewhere and I have all the kids ss's included and told my brother he would need to bring nephew (who is 3) over to my house in the morning before he goes to work at 8. That meant he needed to get nephew awake at about 730 and drive 5 minutes to my house.

Disputing unreimbursed medical expenses

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Does anyone have experience with this? Last year BM decided that ss10 needed braces based on recommendation of his dentist....she asked him at that time of he was gonna pay half fdh told her he couldn't afford it. She told him this 6 days before the procedure was to take place. No discussion about it, just this is gonna happen it's gonna cost X and I want you to pay half.

Multifaceted post....a couple issues. Need advice, experience ect..

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First issue is after FDH and I discussed dates of when we would be getting ss's (according to his summer schedule as it changes from fall-winter) we sent an email to BM giving her dates and pick up/drop off times. We also let her know when we were planning to have the boys for summer vacation (FDH has to put in for his vacation time by February and we would like to rent a beach house for a week).

Affect of PAS and bad mouthing

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So my brother and I have different fathers. We both lived with my mother and for as long as I can remember my mother had always referred to my brothers step mother as "the evil slut". I remember vividly the screaming matches my mother would have with my brothers dad and even more vividly the effect it had on my brother. I watch from the sidelines as my brother learned very well how to manipulate his parents and his step mother. I remember at my brothers sporting events my mom would sit with her friends and snicker about his dad and step mom.

"I don't like this"-issue with food again

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I made....from scratch.....chicken corn soup. So, oldest step son and youngest step son start their usual routine when it comes to meal times...."I don't like...."

For one, they don't like anything. Ever. So I don't care. I don't give a fuck what you don't like because it always changes.

I started playing weird al yankovick "eat it" at the dinner table. They all thought it was funny. Why yes, it's hilarious. Now eat your lunch. I don't care if you don't like it. I don't care what you had for breakfast. Eat.

End of story.

FDH uptight when we have SSS

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I have noticed lately that when we have ss's FDH seems to be incredibly uptight. Frustrated. Moody. Not necessarily with me, just in general. He is usually a very fun person to be around and when it's him and I and my bios he's rarely moody.

I realized that when I put my foot down and said I'm not gonna be the evil SM to these boys YOU need to be proactive about teaching them what behaviors are acceptable and which are not in our home.....that's when he started this moodiness.

BM throws a fit about drop off time but changes times to suit her

notastepyet's picture

So the last time we had the boys there was an issue with the drop off time where BM assumed we were bring them "home" instead of to the drop off place. So she demands a list of dates and drop off/pick up times and places, which FDH already gave her back in feb when he made his summer schedule. Whatever, done and done.

So this week rolls around and she asks if we could pick them up at a chucky cheese type joint a half hour later and closer to us. FDH says sure fine. Then he asks about getting the boys a day earlier the next time. She says sure fine.

Child support and joint physical custody

notastepyet's picture

So I was wondering if any of you have any experience with this.....right now we love 2.5hrs away from SS's which means we get the EOW and two non consecutive weeks in the summer. BM is also gracious enough to allow for extra time every now and then.

We will have the opportunity to move with a half hour away from the boys within the next year ( job related for SO) and our hope is to go back to court for more time, hopefully 50/50 physical custody. We understand it will be a fight and more than likely will not be awarded 50/50 but hopefully will get more time regardless.
