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Fed up and ready to leave

Nocinderella's picture

Nothing I do is right. His children are perfect angels. We argue about each others kids. He blames my kids for his kids bad behaviors. I am a maid and a cook only to my step kids. My husband never sides with me and never will. I have so much resentment towards this entire situation. I cringe at the thought of having to come home to a place that I feel like an outsider in. My step kids never go to their mothers home. My kids go to their dad's house every other weekend. HIS KIDS ARE ALWAYS HERE all the time. No alone time, no adult time, I am going nuts! Please HELP!

Bdmnrizn's picture

Sound like you have pretty much, answered yourself.
Don't you and Dh ever sit down to talk about this or is that just out of the question?
Not that the age matters but how old are you SC?
Well you knew he had these children when you married him right? Did you think it would be better after marriage or you just didnt think?
Looks like you have to make a choice? I feel bad for you that you have to feel this way, so buck up and make some change only you can change it!

Nocinderella's picture

Yes, I knew this would take work. It has just got worse over time. Might I add he has 5 kids at home and I have three. Kids range from 18 to 4. My step kids mother has no visitation per her choice. So there is never a day where we have alone time. My alone time consists of going to the grocery store. If we want to go out to eat just the two of us his daughters get all hurt and guilt trip him. I am very resentful at this current time.

Rags's picture

Web cams. Even completely in denial people like your DH can't rationally deny recorded fact about their toxic spawn.

If he so disconnected with the absolute requirement that your marriage is the priority for both of you and takes precidence over all of the children in the home regardless of biology then you have to be prepared to provide him with that clarity and have your exit strategy ready to implement if he does not gain clarity quickly.

Good luck and take care of yourself.

FedUpStepMomOF2's picture

Oh Girl- tell me about it. Dealing with it for 6 years only now his kids are "adults" (that are still attached to his nipple). They are never wrong and I am never right. Resentment is an understatement. I tell him that I got the worst part of him and that whoever gets him next will be the lucky one because the kids should be out of his hair by then (hopefully - if not he will never have a healthy relationship).

Don't have any advice to offer because I'm here looking for the same thing- just a hug to offer and a few words to let you know you're not alone.