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BM acting like a toddler

Cdngirl's picture

So SD14 is back with us due to being taken out of BM's home by social services. I am not happy but it is what it is and DH and I will take this one step at a time. We talked with her about expectations and what will and will not be allowed. She was also informed that if she stold from me again even if it was a mascarra case, she has 3 strikes and she is out of the house and I don't care where she goes.

Regardless of all that the kicker is she has nothing. When the worker picked her up from school, she didn't have a winter jacket or proper shoes. BM is acting like a fucking child and won't release any of her clothes saying that she won't help a back stabber. Social Services says they can't do anything about it. Luckily when she moved out I kept a pair of winter boots and I have an extra winter jacket. Also we still had SD14 christmas presents at our house that was all new outfits. However SD laptop,some money she had from work and all her clothes will probably be destroyed because BM is a vendictive bitch and there is nothing we can do about it. We can't afford to buy SD a new wardrobe, I mean we had to do that when she came to live with us at 8 because BM sent her to out house with the clothes on her back.

So now we wait as Social Services is going to give it one more try to get BM to give them some of SD14 clothes.


overworkedmom's picture

Consignment stores and take it 1-2 things at a time. At least you do have a few things from Christmas. Very sad that her mother won't even let her pick up clothes. This is such a crappy situation!

ctnmom's picture

Get a police escort to get her stuff. Who purchased the laptop? If BM did there's not much you can do, if your husband did it's yours and BM will have to replace it if she destroyed it. She is NOT in the position of power here, you guys go scorched earth on her, for SD's sake if nothing else. I think it would be GOOD for SD to see you play hardball, in fact. Good luck.

Lalena75's picture

I'm with get a police escort. It might just put enough fear into BM to give her her things. And it shows you tried and BM's a special kind of c u next tuesday

Cdngirl's picture

I was talking with a retired police officer to see what are options are. He basically said everything is a write off. The police would more than likely not come saying they are too busy. We had purchased the lap top for SD for grade 8 grad.

It just pisses me off. However as a bright side SD14 will not see the full extend of her BM as we are not holding anything back from her. She had this peaches and cream view of her BM and she doesn't really remember what she brough or didn't bring when she came here the first time. I plan on holding nothing back if SD asks I will tell her the entire truth.