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The lengths she will go to to get rid of him

popgoesmybraincells's picture

Wow, I am just...speechless.

SS's Fall Break was this week & half of last week. DH has asked BM if she wanted him for the entire break (we've been working a lot of overtime lately and it would be almost impossible to find childcare during that time) and she actually agreed. Which is what she usually does. Then she gets tired of him after the first few days and dumps him back on us.

It started Tuesday afternoon. She called during the day, while DH was asleep (he works nights and she knows this) to say SS had swallowed a loose tooth. Because that TOTALLY qualifies as an emergency situation. Want to know why he swallowed it? Because she was trying to "work it out" of his mouth by tying a STRING around it! Seriously. I'm wondering if she attached the other end to a door!

So she called again Wednesday afternoon, waking DH up AGAIN, to tell him she can't "handle" SS, that's he's out of control and won't listen to her. After listening to her whining excuses and not-so-subtle hints that my DH should just come pick him up so she can be rid of him, my DH finally told her that it's her problem, not his, and that she needs to deal with it on her own and stop calling him for stupid crap (I'm so proud) and to only call if it's an emergency.

She, of course, gets all angry & pissed and says that she just won't call him at all then, even for an emergency. How dare he tell her no!

So Thursday was actually quiet. No ringing phone.

Here comes Friday. She calls, waking DH up AGAIN. Guess what? She is siiiiiick :sick: She supposedly had to go to the emergency room (no insurance, so she's wracking up another bill for the hospital to write off...lovely) and they diagnosed her with swine flu. So SS can't possibly be around her now.

Oh. How convenient. Especially right before the weekend and her being all boyfriend-less and on the manhunt for her next sugar daddy.

I am just SO angry, most of all that she knows the ONLY way she can get my DH to take SS on her time is if she says she is sick. I'm especially angry this time because she has to use something particularly scary like swine flu. My SS has respiratory issues and gets sick at the drop of the hat, so this is not something she should be lying about! And yes, I realize there is a possibility that she actually have it, but given her history of crying wolf when she's supposedly "sick", I'm thinking this is just a lame excuse because she knows DH is a responsible parent and will suck it up for the good of my SS.

So if she really does have it, chances are he now has it too. Which means he is now exposing his great-grandparents to it until I can pick him up. Which means then I'll be exposed. If I get sick, I have to stay out of work at least 7 days, and I have no vacation time to spare Sad

I'm just tired of the unfairness of it all. That we can finally catch a small break and let her be a responsible parent for once, and then we end up paying for it three times over.


popgoesmybraincells's picture

DH has SS during the school week and every 4th (& 5th) weekend of the month, BM has SS the 1st, 2nd, 3rd weekends of the month. Breaks & holidays are usually 50/50, but we ended up letting her have most of this break because DH is on nights and wouldn't be able to spend any time with him. Plus, with me working overtime, it just made more sense for him to be with her this break, since she sits on her lazy hiney all day long and doesn't work or do much of anything except screw her newest boy-toy.

It's supposed to be like 60/40, but she skips her weekends for so many "illnesses" that it's more like 80/20.

Part II of this swine flu story is even better...

As soon as SS got in the car (he's 6 1/2), he proceeded to talk my head off all the way home. I learned:

1) That his "NaNa" was sick all week before his Mommy got sick. Which means that he has been long exposed to whatever they do have, and she should have sent him home earlier in the week to reduce his exposure. Once again, she didn't give a crap about him possibly being exposed to the flu (or any sickness, for that matter), EVEN THOUGH he has a history of respiratory issues. She only decided that he couldn't be around when she couldn't get rid of him any other way.

2) That Mommy has a new "friend" (I call them boy-toys) named Chris that stayed in Mommy's bedroom with her. Where did SS sleep? On the couch.

3) That he watched TV shows with Mommy this week, and in one moving, this guy was in trouble because he was "cheating on his girl". When asked what that means, SS proceeded to tell me "it's when the guy goes with another girl when he already has a girlfriend". Really, is it appropriate for a 6 1/2 year old to be exposed to that concept? And knowing how much sex is on any primetime show, I can only imagine what he was doing with that girl he was cheating with.

Le sigh....

"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry Garcia

stepmom2one's picture

They share a bed--SS and BM? He should have his own bed, even if it is in her room.

No wonder you have most of the time.

TryingToParent's picture

As a BM, I don't understand why being sick precludes you from caring for your children. By the time we are showing signs of any given illness, we have already exposed our children to it.

I never, in 15 years of being a BM, once ever called my ex and said I am sick you need to take the kids. I do what a mom would do if she were widowed or her husband were deployed, I SUCK IT UP and care for my kids. If she was really worried about him being exposed she wouldn't have had him around the "NaNa".

Why are they sharing a bed? Espically if there is a revoling door in the bedroom...that is NOT healthy for him. Wouldn't he be better off with you? I know that you guys want to make BM take responsibility for ss, but some people can't be changed and who is suffering in the long run?