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SD20 tries to have a poke at me

Elizabeth's picture

So her Facebook is private, after she kept posting crap and DH tried to talk to her about it, so she just locked him out instead of changing her behavior.

What does she do on Christmas day (can't be bothered to call her dad, by the way) but post two non-private comments. One is talking about how people need to let go of the past. Then the very next one is calling out my nieces by name for how awesome Christmas used to be and all the "trouble we used to get in." Give me a break. They got in trouble because SD acted a fool and dragged my nieces along for the ride, it was her way of getting them to side with her against the adults. My mom eventually said no more SD in her house.

Poke poke, grow up some day would you?


zerostepdrama's picture

WHHHYYYYY are you still checking her FB especially if she has you guys blocked or whatever??????????

Drama just does not walk into your life. You either create it, invite it or associate with people who love to bring it into your life.

Shaman29's picture


Stop checking FB and ignore. You will be a much happier person.

Elizabeth's picture

We're not blocked, she just made it private where before it was public. I only check about once every six months, I was curious what she was doing that kept her so busy she couldn't even call her dad on Christmas day. He takes his frustrations at her out on the rest of us, it has been a rough couple of days. Just curiousity, nothing more. Interestingly only one of my nieces even responded to her post.

Shaman29's picture

Your DH's behavior is on him, not on your SD20. She is not responsible for the way he behaves.

Let me put it to you this way. So you see on FB what's she's so busy doing that she can't take the time to call her father. Big deal. At the end of the day, will it make a difference in his behavior??

The problem is your DH is displacing his anger/resentment/frustration with his daughter. That is the situation I would try and address.

Disneyfan's picture

She's an adult. You nor your husband can control what she puts on her page. Block her and you won't have to see what she says.

Disneyfan's picture

That doesn't matter. Neither one of you can make her do anything.

Looking at her page will only annoy/upset you. So why continue to do it?

Elizabeth's picture

Yes, we discuss this ALL the time. SD decided to take matters into her own hands and transfer colleges without first checking to see if her credits would transfer, and they did not. So now she's on the five-year-plus plan, especially considering she's been flunking classes and then having to retake them. It is definitely on him that he keeps funding her, I have been talking him down from some of it, such as she no longer needs a private dorm room, she is old enough to get and maintain her own apartment and pay for it herself. He says that's what she's doing, I'll believe it when it happens.