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I can't stand this kid!

jkitty104's picture

It is so nice to have this site to refer to when I feel like I am losing my mind! I have a SS20, SS17, BS17, and BS15. 3 of the 4 kids are great. The problem is with SS20. He is the most spoiled, entitled, rotten brat I have ever seen. He constantly wants attention, interrupts people all time, is a complete slob, cannot manage money, does nothing to help around the house when he is home, and seriously abuses our internet and phone data plans. His father is very defensive about him, and we've had numerous arguments over him, though more recently, thankfully, his father is starting to see the light. When this kid is away at college, the household runs smoothly. The other kids will keep their bathroom reasonably clean, put their dishes in the dishwasher, and keep their things reasonably picked up. When SS20 is home on breaks, he trashes their bathroom, leaving dirty clothes, shoes, towels, and dishes (yes, dishes) in the bathroom. There is a laundry chute in the bathroom, so there is no excuse for leaving his crap everywhere. I raised my kids that dishes stay in the kitchen, but SS20 takes them all over the house, and leaves them in the basement, the bedroom, the bathroom, and in the common area upstairs where the X Box and TV area. He'll put his filthy gym bag on the kitchen counters where we fix food, even though he's been told repeatedly not to. This kid often will not even flush the toilets! Or, he'll clog them up, and when he clogs one, he moves on to the next one. We came home one day and had 3 of the 4 toilets in the house clogged. It is so gross. He'll fill up the garbage cans and won't empty them. He steals clothing and other items from the other kids. He'll leave lights on all over the house and leave the doors unlocked if he leaves. He won't work, claiming he doesn't have time because of school, even though he only has 1 class 2 days of the week, and whines all the time how he doesn't have any money. He posts stuff on Twitter about how he's drinking, putting pictures on there of all his liquor bottles, and he's not even of legal drinking age yet. He got caught with a fake ID last year, and lost his license for a year. Just as well, since he ran up over $1200 in parking tickets in one semester along because he was too lazy to park where he was supposed to, and wanted to park closer to his classes instead. His father told him when he moved to school this year, he'd have to work to make up the difference that his scholarship, financial aid, and student loans would not cover, but of course, he didn't. When it came time for tuition to be due, he was $1200 short, and expected us to cover it, which we did not. Unfortunately, he has a grandmother who keeps giving him money instead of making him work for anything. He used 2.5 times his data limit on our phone plan, and owes $30 in overage charges, which his father told him he'd have to pay for, but of course he has yet to do so, and he was completely rotten to his dad when he told him he'd have to pay the charges. He wants his dad to do everything for him, and he's never been held to any kind of responsibility. I am so thankful he finally moved to college this year, because it has made his father see how smoothly things have gone at home since he hasn't been there, and how it instantly changes when he is there. He just came home last night, and already this morning, the garbage can was stuffed to overflowing, and the kitchen lights were left on all night. I told my husband, I don't care if that garbage flows all over the floor, I am not emptying it, and the person who filled it like that had best take care of it. Does anyone else have skids who are this atrocious at this age? The irresponsibility floors me. Our 3 younger kids are so, so much more mature than SS20. It's sad, really.

StepdaughtersSuck's picture

Sorry for all of the problems that you having.
I have a SD21 who has lives with us on & off . She is a SLOB as well. She will go 2wks without taking a shower! She absolutely stinks. I have sat her down & had a talk with her about proper hygiene but she just doesn't listen. My BD18 & BS13 hate it when she sleeps in their bed or "borrows" their clothes. DH doesnt take the situation serious. He says that shes been like that since she was younger. SD also has a 1 yr old daughter now that she has no idea how to take of. Her daughter uses a pacifier & it absolutely stinks. She barely feeds her & when they come over they are both starving. One time I came home & SD was taking a nap in my bed. I asked her when was the last time that she took a shower & washed her hair. She gave me a smirky answer & I told her to get out out my bed. DH was not happy with me.
Her sister (SD14) is not as bad but, she's pretty disgusting too. The BO coming from that kid is disgusting! If any one of my biokids had any type of hygienic problem like that I would tell them & it wouldnt be a prob. With DH kids I have to speak softly & with understanding (as a hold my breath) otherwise, thats another reason why I'm the mean stepmother.
I just dont understand how these kids are raised without basic proper hygiene!
